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SEVEN-FOUR-SEVENS 3 Consecutive sets followed by a short rest between sets. After completing the first set, add weight for upper and lower torso exercises. After the second set is completed, the added weights are removed and set three is performed with the original weight. Take some time (10 seconds) between sets to recover for the next set.



Life Fitness Machine Leg Press

You may use all leg positions (Wide, Shoulder Width, Feet Together)


70 pounds x 7 reps

85 pounds x 4 reps

70 pounds x 7 reps


Life Fitness Machine Leg Extension


45 pounds x 7 reps

60 pounds x 4 reps

45 pounds x 7 reps


Life Fitness Machine Leg Curl


45 pounds x 7 reps

60 pounds x 4 reps

45 pounds x 7 reps


Smith Machine Squat

Use the foam pad to protect yourself from the bar. Do not place bart on bone/spine. Position bar behind it.

Make sure feet are forward enough so knee does not cross over toe on each rep. Keep back straight.


10 pounds only x 7 reps

15 pounds x 4 reps

12.5 pounds x 7 reps


Hip Adductors (Inner Thigh)

(2) sets ankle weight x 7 reps

(3) sets ankle weights x 4 reps

(2) sets ankle weights x 7 reps


Hip Abductors (Outer Thigh)


(2) set ankle weight x 7 reps

(3) sets ankle weights x 4 reps

(2) set ankle weights x 7 reps


Kettlebell Figure 8 Pass Thru

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by placing KB on floor

25 pound KB


Calf Raises on Life Fitness Machine Leg Press

Position toes (feet together) on edge of base.

Keep legs straight throughout as you lower heels and raise them engaging calf muscle

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by raising heel. You may also rest in the fully stretched position Heels lowered)

55 pounds 


Stretch Calf and Achilles after set

Calf - Point toe up on solid surface and bring body inward while keeping leg straight.

Achilles - Bend leg pushing into center of foot from the same calf stretch position. 


New exercises


Kick Back for Glutes

Set GymNext Flex Timer for:

Number of Rounds: 10

Round Duration: 12 seconds

Rest between rounds: None


Start face down on mat, arms straight, kneeling.

Bring left knee into chest, kick straight back and up as far as you can.

Hold all the way up for 12 seconds after 12 seconds of regular speed reps.

Switch, Repeat.


Step Up on Medium Plyo Box

Step up with whole foot on Box

Hold KB with either hand

10 pound KB x 10 reps each leg



Smith Machine Incline Chest Press

Weight is what you load to bar

27.5 pounds x 7 reps

37.5 pounds x 4 reps

27.5 pounds x 7 reps


Dumbbell Incline Chest Press

(2) 15 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 20 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 7 reps


Assisted Dips (Awesome job!)

Wide Elbow/Bar handle

40 pounds x 7 reps

30 pounds x 4 reps

40 pounds x 7 reps


Life Fitness Machine Chest Press

32.5 pounds x 7 reps

47.5 pounds x 4 reps

32.5 pounds x 7 reps


Dumbbell Incline Chest Fly

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps


TRX Chest Press (Used longer TRX Strap)

Slight Angle x 7 reps

Deep Angle x 4 reps

Slight Angle x 7 reps


TRX Chest Fly

Slight Angle x 7 reps

Deep Angle x 4 reps

Slight Angle x 7 reps


Dumbbell Press on Flat Bench 

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by placing DB's on your chest

(2) 10 pound DB's


New Exercise

Swiss Ball Negative Chest Press (Place ball along wall for stability. Eventually you will not need to do this. Goal is to have ball away from wall.Bring all of your body down to the ball, not just upper)

Place both hands wide on Swiss Ball Face Down

Resist your body (4 count down) all the way to the ball

10 reps (try without using wall for balance)



Life Fitness Machine Wide Cable Pull Down

75 pounds x 7 reps (Face in, underhand shoulder width grip)

75 pounds x 4 reps (Face in, underhand grip)

60 pounds x 7 reps (Face in, overhand wide grip)


Life Fitness Machine Cable Row

52.5 pounds x 7 reps

67.5 pounds x 4 reps

52.5 pounds x 7 reps


Kneeling Close Grip Stiff Arm Pulldown on Life Fitness Machine Multi Purpose Cable Device

(Use the straight heavy bar)

30 pounds x 7 reps

32.5 pounds x 4 reps

30 pounds x 7 reps


TRX Inverted Row 

You may change width of pulling point to WIDE for more resistance if you want.


Slight angle x 7 reps

Deeper angle x 4 reps

Slight angle x 7 reps


Dumbbell Row on incline bench (face down)

(2) 20 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 25 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 20 pound DB's x 7 reps



Bent Over Cable Row with rope attachment on Life Fitness Machine Multi Cable Device

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by standing straight up, arms extended

25 pounds 


New Exercise

Dumbbell Pullover on Flat Bench

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

12 pound DB


(2) 6 pound DB's


Life Fitness Cable Pull Down (One time each rep)

Use (2) Independent Handles

Right, Left, Both ProtocolRegular Speed

50 pounds x 5 reps

Use 35 or 40 pounds if adding a rep to each rep x 5 total reps




Smith Machine Shoulder Press

May be performed sitting on a bench or Exercise Ball.

If using exercise ball, lower weight may be required because you do not have back supported.

Weight is what you load to bar

20 pounds x 7 reps

22.5 pounds x 4 reps

20 pounds x 7 reps


Hip Raise/DB Shoulder Press on Mat

Side Lying Position on mat

R. Side down, elbow directly below shoulder support on forearm.

Both Feet stacked, legs straight

Hold DB with left hand

Raise hips off mat and lift DB up to left shoulder

Press DB overhead

Lower DB back down to left shoulder

Lower hips and DB back down to mat

6 pound DB x 10 reps each side.


Seated DB Side Raise

(2) 6 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 8 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 6 pound DB's x 7 reps


Seated DB Shoulder Press

May be performed sitting on a bench or Exercise Ball.

If using exercise ball, lower weight may be required because you do not have back supported.

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps


Seated DB Front Rotation

May be performed sitting on a bench or Exercise Ball.

(2) 3 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 5 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 3 pound DB's x 7 reps


Life Fitness Machine Shoulder Press

10 pounds x 7 reps

20 pounds x 4 reps

10 pounds x 7 reps


TRX Reverse Fly

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by standing straight up, no resistance on your muscle.


New Exercise

DB Rotation (2) Ways on Mat Side Lying Position

Place elbow on side of your body, keep elbow against throughout.

Rotate DB toward floor, bring back up. 

Rotate DB down towards knee, bring back up

You may perform this exercise with your hips elevated.

3 pound DB x 12 reps each side


New Exercise

Dumbbell Rotation from Supine (face up) Position on mat

Lie down on mat face up elbows 90 degrees out to the side and on the mat.

Rotate arms from the floor position on the mat 180 degrees until you reach the floor on the other side.

10 seconds both ways x 10 (3 pound DB's)




Standing Barbell Curl

Weight is what you load to bar

Focus on keeping elbows back

Bar only  x 7 reps

Load 5 pounds x 4 rep

Bar only x 7 reps


Life Fitness Machine Multi Cable Device

Use solid bar attachment, low pulley.

Cable Curl

17.5 pounds x 7 reps

22.5 pounds x 4 reps

17.5 pounds x 7 reps


Seated Incline Bench DB Curl

Set bench slightly back

Let arms extend fully extended and back each rep.

Keep elbows back.

(2) 10 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 15 pound DB x 4 reps 

(2) 10 pound DB x 7 reps


Standing DB Preacher Curl on Incline Bench

Adjust bench to height that allows you to reach over top of bench keeping back of arm/tricep secure on bench at all times.

(1) 10 pound DB x 7 reps

(1) 12 pound DB x 4 reps

(1) 10 pound DB x 7 reps

Extra set = (1) 15 pound DB x 2 reps each arm.

Careful with shoulder, keep arm on bench and try not to pull shoulder and arm off bench. You may also just perform negative reps.


DB Curl on Incline Bench (Prone position) Face down on bench

Adjust bench height so you are able to reach both DB's on the floor when starting.

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps


Standing Barbell Curl

Wide grip on bar

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by keeping arms extended straight while still standing

Body Bar only (use the green padded bar on second floor.


Standing Single Arm Cable Bicep Curl

Regular Speed Protocol

Life Fitness Machine Multi Purpose Cable Device

Position Pulley System to shoulder height

Attach single Handle

Face mirror

Extend R. Arm fully extended, parallel to floor.

Bring handle in behind head, leaving arm straight from elbow to shoulder.

The straighter you keep your arm the less pull yu will feel on the shoulder and bicep tendon.

7.5 pounds x 15 reps (2 count pull, 4 count resist)


Smith Machine Barbell Curl

Bar only x 15 reps (Regular Speed)



Regular Speed Protocol

6 pound DB x 10 reps

8 pound DB x 8 reps

10 pound DB x 6 reps

8 pound DB x 8 reps

6 pound DB x 10 reps



Standing DB Curl

Right, Left, Both Add 1 rep to each rep (Hammer curl for the L. R. and Twist for Both)

Regular speed Protocol

6 pound DB's x 5 reps




Barbell Head Crusher on Flat Bench

Weight is what you load to bar

7.5 pounds x 7 reps

12.5 pounds x 4 reps

7.5 pounds x 7 reps


Close Grip Tricep Press on Smith Machine/Flat Bench

Weight is what you load to bar

Lower Bar to Sternum

15 pounds x 7 reps

20 pounds x 4 reps

15 pounds x 7 reps


Cable Push Down

27.5 pounds x 7 reps

32.5 pounds x 4 reps

27.5 pounds  x 7 reps


Assisted Tricep Dip on Life Fitness Dip Machine 

50 pounds x 7 reps

40 pounds x 4 reps

50 pounds x 7 reps


TRX Overhead Tricep Press

Bring handles right above head

Slight angle x 7 reps

Deep angle x 4 reps

Slight angle x 7 reps


Dumbbell Close Position Tricep Press on Flat Bench

Hold DB's close together, bring them down by your side at sternum level.

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 12 pound DB's x 7 reps


Dips on Bench

Regular Speed

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by sitting on bench

No weight


Standing Overhead Kettlebell Tricep Extension

Regular Speed

15 pound KB x 20 reps


BD Kick Back

Regular Speed Protocol

5 pound DB's x 10 reps

6 pound DB's x 8 reps

8 pound DB's x 6 reps

6 pound DB's x 8 reps

5 pound DB's x 10 reps


Tricep Dip Negatives

Elbows back, narrow handle grip.

8 reps, 4 count resist to the floor



Close Grip Tricep Press on Life Fitness Chest Press Machine

Adjust seat all the way up

Adjust range of motion to center setting

Hold handles on the inside edge

Keep elbows against torso

Regular Speed Protocol

10 pounds x 10 reps

15 pounds x 8 reps (use 5 pound add on weight)

25 pounds x 6 reps

15 pounds x 8 reps

10 pounds x 10 reps






Straight Leg Lift on Flat Bench under Smith Machine Bar 

Use DB

3 pounds x 7 reps

6 pounds x 4 reps

3 pounds x 7 reps


Decline Sit Up

Use DB from the bin at top of stairs

5 pounds (black) x 7 reps

10 pound DB x 4 reps (hold DB against or at upper chest level)

5 pounds x 7 reps


Half Lift (on Captains Chair

Use DB or ankle weights

3 pounds x 7 reps

5 pounds x 4 reps

3 pounds x 7 reps



Side Pull on Hyper Extension Device

Use DB

5 pounds x 7 reps

10 pound DB x 4 reps

5 pounds x 7 reps


Standing Cable Rotation (Life Fitness Multi Purpose Machine or use the band on second floor)

Stand straight up, bend knees, feet shoulder width apart

User small ball on second floor (Gold color)

12.5 pounds x 7 reps

15 pounds x 4 reps

12 .5pounds x 7 reps


Hip Raise

Use weights in black plastic container, second floor

3 pound DB x 7 reps

5 pound DB (black) x 4 reps (hold DB on hip)

3 pound ball x 7 reps


Low Back

Hyper Extension on Hyper Extension Device

Use DB

5 pounds (black) x 7 reps

10 pound DB x 4 reps

5 pounds x 7 reps


Low Abs

Straight Leg Lift on Captains Chair

Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by placing both feet on bottom rail

(2) 0ne pound ankle weights



Go to Play Store on your mobile device and download GymNext Flex Timer

6 seconds on, 6 seconds rest x 10

Rest is defined by placing hip on mat

No weight




Standing DB Side Pull

Stand with feet together

Hold DB with R. hand

Place L. hand on side of head

Lower DB toward R. knee or as far as you can while keeping body straight

Lift DB back up and point L. elbow as far as you can to the left side

You should feel both external oblique muscles engaged while performing this movement

20 pound DB x 15 reps each side.



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