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Exercise #1

Hip Abductor on Mat

Side lying position, bend bottom leg, keep top leg straight.

Lift top leg, do not touch or rest on descen.

50 repetitions each side (Stretch each side after completion)

Sit with one leg straight, bring opposing ankle over leg that is straight and pull knee into opposite shoulder. 

Hold each stretch 30 seconds


Exercise #2

Push up on knees

Kneel on mat/floor. Place hands on floor wider than shoulder width.

Lower/resist body down toward floor keeping chest in line with where hands are placed.

3 sets, 5 repetitions each set 


Exercise #

Free Standing Squats

Stand with feet shoulder width apart

Squat down as far as you can.

Keep arms by your side.

5 reps, 5 second break x 10


Exercise #4

Abdominal Crunch on Mat/Floor

Face Up

Cross both arms over front of chest

Bend both legs keeping bottoms of feet on floor/mat

Raise body/shoulders off mat/floor

Descend back engaging abs

50 repetitions


Exercise #5

Single Leg Bridge on Mat

Manual Speed Protocol

Lie face up on mat, cross R. ankle over L. knee.

Push off left heel raising hips/Glutes off mat

Do not rest or touch mat on descent.

50 repetitions each side


Exercise #6

Hip Raise on Mat

Manual Speed Protocol

Side lying position, R. side down

Make sure R. elbow is directly below R. shoulder

Stack both feet/legs

Lift hip off mat as far as you can

Descent back down to mat, not touching

10 reps each side


Exercise #7

Hip Adductors {Inner Thigh} 

Lie back on mat, face up, arms out to the side, legs straight up above chest.

Separate legs, Bring legs back together

50 repetitions


Exercise #8

Pointer Dogs on Mat {Low Back} 

Position your body on mat face down, straight arms and kneeling. Lift R. arm out in front until parallel to floor while lifting L. leg until parallel to floor. Pause. Bring R. elbow and L. knee down and touch underneath your  upper torso. Switch.

No weight x 15 reps each side


Exercise #9

Knee Drops on Mat Face Up

Manual Speed Protocol

Arms out to the side

Bring knees into chest

Elevate feet

Bring both knees down to one side, do not touch mat

Bring both knees back up to center, then bring them down to other side not touching mat

15 reps each side



Supine (face up) Scorpion on Floor

Start lying face up on mat with arms straight out to the side, palms down, right leg straight in the air, and left leg straight and on the floor. Lower (15 second count down) the right leg down aiming toward the left hand. Keep both legs straight and both shoulders on the mat. Hold 30 seconds. Switch.


Exercise #10

Glute/Leg Kick Back 

Kneel on mat/floor with forearms on floor

Bring R. knee in toward chest and kick R. leg straight back and up as far as you can


50 repetitions each leg


Exercise #11

Low Abdominal Exercises


A. Single Leg Alternating Lifts

Face up on mat/floor

Arms by your side

Legs straight and on floor/mat

Lift each leg individually up and down, flutter kick without touching floor

15 repetitions each leg


B. Crossover Sissors

Face up on mat/floor

Arms by your side

Legs straight and on floor/mat

Lift both legs 8 inches off floor/mat

Cross each leg over/under bringing legs as far as you can apart

15 crossovers each leg


C. In/Up/Lower

Face up on mat/floor

Arms by your side

Legs straight and on floor/mat

Bring both knees into chest

Raise both legs straight up

Bring both legs straight down without touching floor

15 repetitions







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