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Jim H. & Leslie F. Training at Berwyn Squash & Fitness Club


Workout at Berwyn Squash and Fitness Club on your own. 3 days

per week, every other day while I am away.

If weight is too light or heavy,

please adjust  accordingly. If your shoulder is affected by any

of the movements, discontinue exercise.




#1-Green Band (75 pound resistance - can be found in corner cabinet where  towels are kept)


Supine (face up) Scorpion on Floor with green band

Place band around your waist. Start lying face up on mat. Place right leg inside band and straighten it. Keep left leg straight and on the mat. Pull back with both arms on band to increase right hamstring stretch. Hold 30 seconds.


Lower right leg all the way as far as you can to the right keeping both legs straight throughout. Extend left arm all the way out to the left and keep both shoulders touching mat. Hold 30 seconds.


Lower right leg all the way as far as you can to the left keeping both legs straight throughout. Extend right arm all the way out to the left and keep both shoulders touching mat. Hold 30 seconds. 



#2-Prone (face down) Scorpion

Start lying face down on mat with arms straight out to the side, palms down, right leg bent 90 degrees, left straight and on the mat. Lift up (10 second count) the right leg and angle it over your body and try to touch the left hand. Keep left leg straight and both shoulders on the mat. Hold 10 seconds. Switch. 

3 reps each side


#3-Monster Kick. Kick right leg as high as you can straight out in front keeping leg straight. Swing right arm at the same time as  the right leg and touch right foot with right hand. Repeat with right leg/left arm. Repeat with right leg/ both arms.


Switch to Left Leg, left arm. Left leg right arm. Left Leg both arms.

5 reps each side



Standing Airplane, Field-Goal, Scarecrow, Wings

Airplane (raise arms out to the side, straight, parallel to floor)


Field-Goal (bring arms straight back, then sweep down by your side and raise all the way up to a referee’s field-goal position.




Rotate (rotate HANDS 180 degrees forward, keep elbows up, rotate back to scarecrow position) 


Wings (place hands behind head, elbows bent, push elbows back squeezing the shoulder blades together)

8 reps 


Try movement with palms out.


#5-Hurdle, Butterfly, Straight Leg, Split Stretch with Band

Hold each position 30 seconds


Take hold of the green or yellow band handles mounted on the wall/door frame. Sit on a mat facing wall with the door and get into a right leg hurdle position (right leg straight, left leg bent, left foot on inside of inner right thigh. Make sure you are far enough away from the wall so you get enough stretch/resistance from the band you are holding. Reach out with both hands over right foot keeping right leg straight throughout. Let the band pull you forward to stretch hamstrings, inner thigh and low back. Hold. Switch Hurdle position.


Do the same for the left leg.


Butterfly. Seated on mat, Bend both legs and bring both feet into your groin/inner thigh area with the bottoms of you feet facing each other. Drive you knees to the floor while reaching out over your feet with band handles.


Straight Leg. Seated on the floor, legs straight, toes pointed up, reach out over both feet with both hands.


Split. Seated on mat, both legs separated as far as you can separate, reach out in between each leg and extend as far as you can holding band handles.



Use 12/12 Protocol unless otherwise indicated.

5 sets

12 regular speed reps, hold the 12th rep for 12 seconds in the fully extended position.



Single Leg Bridge (Right Leg) x 1 minute

Cross over 1 knee. Use (1) ankle weight on each leg.



Life Fitness Leg Extension and Leg Curl (Do these together)

Leg Extension

Jim 45 pounds

Leslie 25 pounds


Leg Curl

Jim 50 pounds

Leslie 30 pounds


Chest and Upper Back

Life Fitness Machine Chest Press and Pull Down (Do these together)

Chest Press

Jim 40 pounds

Leslie 25 pounds


Upper Back

Life Fitness Machine Pull Down

Jim 65 pounds

Leslie 40 pounds (Use 5 pound add on weight)


Shoulders and Biceps (Do these together)

DB Rear Deltoid Fly on Incline Bench (Prone) Face Down Position (Adjust Bench height to position which allows your arms to hang vertical and not touch floor)

Jim 5 pound DB’s

Leslie 3 pound DB's



Standing Barbell Curl (Use E-Z Curl Bar on first floor) Use shoulder width underhand grip on bar. Keep elbow back, extend arms fully straight each rep. Squeeze bicep at top of movement. 

Jim Load 10 pounds to bar

Leslie Bar only


Triceps (Do these together, one on each pulley system)

Standing Cable Push Down on Life Fitness Multi Purpose Machine (Use solid angled bar attachment) Keep elbow back, extend arms fully straight each rep.

Jim 40 pounds (make sure weight lifted is on the “heavier” selection, not “lighter”)

Leslie 20 pounds


Low Abs

Captains Chair Exercises (Jim do a set, Leslies do a set x 5, alternate)

Manual (Regular) Speed, no hold

Bent Knee Raise (lift both knees at one time)

Ankle weights for both of you


Kickouts (Jim do a set, Leslies do a set x 5, alternate)

Manual (Regular) Speed

1 pound ankle weights x 15 reps


Straight Leg Lifts (lift both legs at one time) (Jim do a set, Leslies do a set x 5, alternate)

Manual (Regular) Speed no hold

1 pound ankle weights x 15 reps


Half Lifts (Lift both knees to chest, descend half way down) (Jim do a set, Leslies do a set x 5, alternate)

Manual (Regular) Speed no hold

1 pound ankle weights x 15 reps


Side Lifts

Manual (Regular) Speed (Jim do a set, Leslies do a set x 5, alternate)

Manual (Regular) Speed no hold

One side at a time. Lift ankles up to one side, descend legs back down to straight position each rep.

1 pound ankle weights x 15 reps each side


Obliques on Hyper Extension Device (Jim do a set, Leslies do a set x 5, alternate)

Manual (Regular) Speed no hold

Side Pull (keep both feet stacked and on pad)

Jim - 10 pound DB

Leslie - 5 pound DB


Knee Drops on Mat (Do these together)

Manual (Regular) Speed

Two (1) pound ankle weights each leg x 15 reps each way


Torso Rotation (use Life Fitness Multi Purpose Cable Machine, adjust pulley to waist height) Keep elbows locked in the bent position. (Do these together)

Jim - 20 pounds (make sure weight lifted is on the “heavier” selection, not “lighter”)

Leslie - 15 pounds


#16-Front Plank Hold on forearms and toes (keep body straight from neck to ankle) Do these together

90 seconds


Low Back

Hyper Extension on Hyper Extension Device (Jim do a set, Leslies do a set x 5, alternate)

Manual (Regular) Speed no hold

Cross over front of chest with both arms.

No weight


Single Leg Lift on Mat (Prone) Face Down Position (Do these together)

1 pound ankle weights each leg



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