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Linnea H. Training


Use the following protocols for the exercises listed.


POSITIVELY NEGATIVE set whereby first 5 reps are lifted in a 10 second concentric (push or pull) followed by a “normal speed” (2 second count) eccentric (resistance) rep. After completing half the number reps (5) they are performed vise versa.


FAB Fives- Single set whereby each rep is performed by using a 15 second cadence (5 sec concentric lifting/5 second hold in the fully contracted position/5 second eccentric lowering)


CRAZY EIGHTS-Single set whereby each rep is performed by doing a normal speed (2 count push or pull) concentrically, holding isometrically for 8 seconds, and lowering eccentrically at normal speed (4 count resist).



Use Positively Negative Protocol

Careful putting ankle weight on injured foot/leg.


Exercise #1

Seated Single Leg Lift

Place Stability Ball on Mat against wall.

Sit with back against ball.

Lift leg as far as you can while keeping straight throughout.

No weight x 10 reps (Progress to wearing ankle weights)


Exercise #2

Hip Abductor (Outer Thigh)

Side Lying Position

Bottom leg bent, top leg straight.

Lift  top leg as far as you can keeping straight throughout and not touching at bottom of movement.

(1) 1 pound ankle weight x 10 reps each leg

Careful putting ankle weight on injured foot/leg


Exercise #3

Hip Adductor (Inner Thigh)

On mat face up (Supine Position), hands by your side, legs straight up above chest.

Separate legs as far as you can, keeping straight throughout.

(1) 1 pound ankle weight x 10 reps each leg


Exercise #4

Leg Kick Back for Glutes

Kneeling on mat, face down, arms straight.

Kick one leg at a time back and up to fully extended position.

(1) 1 pound ankle weights each leg x 10 reps


After 10 reps, perform 12 regular speed repetitions. Hold the 12th rep for a 12 second count all the way up and fully extended.


Exercise #5

Straight Leg Lift (Prone Position) Face down

Lie down on mat body fully extended.

Support chin on towel

Lift one leg at a time as far as you can with toe pointed or flexed. 

(1) ankle weight each leg.


Perform 5 reps, hold all the way up for 5 seconds x 5 sets. All consecutive, no break.



Use Crazy 8 Protocol

Exercise #1

Flat Bench DB Press

Hold DB’s at bottom of movement, engaging chest.

20 pound DB’s x 6 reps


Exercise #2

Flat Bench DB Fly

Keep elbows locked in the bent position.

Hold DB’s at bottom of movement, arms extended, exgaging chest.

10 pound DB’s x 6 reps


Exercise #3

Get Up/Push Up on Mat

Perform on your knees.

Start on forearms with plank. Push up to a straight arm plank. Perform push up.

Add a push up to each rep.

8 reps


Upper Back

Use Fab 5 Protocol


Exercise #1

Cable Pull Down

Face away from device.

Use wide grip on bar.

Hold weight/bar just under chin.

60 pounds x 6 reps


Exercise #2

DB Pullover on Flat Bench

Lie on bench face up.

Hold DB with palms up grip so it is held vertical.

With elbows locked in the bent position holding DB over chest, extend DB back and behind your head extended fully. This is the position you will hold for 5 seconds.

15 pound DB x 6 reps


Exercise #3

DB Row on Incline Bench

Incline bench slightly.

Position DB’s on floor underneath top position of bench so you can reach them for the exercise.

Kneel with knee (injured foot) on bench face down. Balance with other foot on floor.

Reach down pick up both DB’s.

Hold both DB’s at top of movement for 5 second count.

(2) 15 pound DB’ x 6 reps






Exercise #1

Seated Airplane, Field-Goal, Scarecrow, Wings 

Regular Speed

(Slow controlled movements, Feet shoulder width apart throughout)


Airplane - raise arms out to the side, straight, parallel to floor


Field-Goal (Keep arms straight throughout) Bring arms straight back behind yourself, then sweep down by your side and raise all the way up to a referee’s field-goal position (Straight up in the air above head, arms by your ears).




Rotate (rotate HANDS 180 degrees forward as far as you can, keep elbows up, rotate back up to scarecrow position) 


Wings (place hands behind head, elbows bent, push elbows back squeezing the shoulder blades together)


8 repetitions (You may use light hand weights or DB’s to perform or you may perform with no weight and hold palms out throughout)


Exercise #2

Seated DB Shoulder Press

Positively Negative Protocol

(2) 10 pound DB's x 10 reps


Exercise #3

Wall Glides on Floor

Slow controlled reps, regular speed protocol.

Start seated away from wall.

Make sure low back, upper back and head are touching wall. Sit in a butterfly position (heels in at groin)

Place both arms against wall with elbow and wrist touching. Glide arms/hands up touching at top and all the way down by your side.

12 reps


Exercise #4

Seated DB Front Raise

Crazy 8 Protocol

(2) 6 pond DB's x 6 reps



Captains Chair Exercises

These exercises requires upper body strength. You may perform these exercises for low abs.

As an alternate to the Captains Chair exercises if you cannot support your body on the device, I added other exercises you can perform on the mat.


Exercise #1

Bent Knee Raise 

Positively Negative Protocol

(1) ankle weight each leg x 10 reps


Alternate Exercise #1A

Single Leg Alternating Lift

On mat, face up, legs 6 inches off mat.

Lift one leg at a time, alternating each without touching mat.

20 reps each way


Exercise #2

Straight Leg Lift

Fab Five Protocol

(1) ankle weight each leg x 4-6 reps


Alternate Exercise #2A

Crossover Sizzors

On mat face up, legs 6 inches off mat.

Cross legs over each other, alternating over/under.

20 reps each way


Exercise #3


Regular Speed Protocol

(1) ankle weight each leg x 20 reps


Alternating Exercise #3A

Elbow to Knee Bicycles

20 reps each way


Exercise #4

Half Lifts

Regular Speed Protocol

(1) ankle weight each leg x 20 reps


Exercise #5

Side Lift

Regular Seed Protocol

(1) ankle weight each leg x 20 reps each side


Exercise #6

On Mat

Knee Drops

On mat face up, arms out to the side.

Squeeze medicine ball between legs, elevate feet.

Bring knees down to each side without touching floor.

6 pound Medicine Ball x 20 reps each side.


Exercise #7

On Mat

Overhead/Chest Press/ Sit Up/Side to Side

10 pound KB x 20 reps


Exercise #8

Crunches/Add Ones/with small 2 pound Mediballs 

On Mat

Legs in air above chest

Hold both balls behind head

Swing arms around side of your body, elevate shoulders off mat, touch both balls together behind knees.

Add a tap to each rep x 12


Exercise #9

Lateral Drops

Lie down on mat supine (face up) position, arms out to the side for balance/leverage.

Keep low back flat and straight throughout. Keep legs straight throughout.

Bring both legs straight up over chest.

Using a 4 second cadence, Lower R. leg to the R. side as far as you can go without touching floor.

Using a 4 second cadence, Lower L. leg on top of R. leg

Using a 2 second cadence, bring both legs back up to the starting position.

Perform the same for the Left side.

After lowering your legs on the sides, using a 4 second cadence, bring both legs down in front.

Using a 2 second cadence, bring both legs up to the starting position.

This completes one repetition.

Your target is 4 repetitions


Exercise #10

Stability Ball Side Sit Up on Mat

Position ball on mat with R. leg on top of ball and the L. leg in front of ball on mat.

Place R. hand behind your head. Place L. hand on R. shoulder. Leave L. elbow on mat.

Push off L. elbow and raise body up off mat and try and touch R. elbow to R. knee.

20 reps each side


Exercise #11

Stability Ball Rotation

Lie on mat face up. Place ball between ankles and squeeze. Raise legs off mat and rotate ball 180 degrees each direction. 15 rotations each way.


Exercise #12

Crunches with Tap (Add 1's) DB's

Lie down on mat face up.

Bring legs straight up over chest.

Hold DB's behind your head not touching floor.

Swing arms around your side and reach up tapping both DB's together behing both knees.

Return back down to mat. Add a rep to each rep.

(2) 2 pound DB's x 15 total reps







Stretch #1

Supine (face up) Scorpion on Floor

Start lying face up on mat with arms straight out to the side, palms down, right leg straight in the air, and left leg straight and on the floor. Lower (use a 15 second count down) the right leg to the left across your body and down aiming the right foot toward the left hand. Keep both legs straight and both shoulders on the mat. Hold 30 seconds. Switch. 

3 repetitions. Switch


Stretch #2

Prone (face down) Scorpion

Start lying face down on mat with arms straight out to the side, palms down, right leg bent 90 degrees, left straight and on the mat. Lift the right leg up and across your body aiming it toward the left hand. Keep left leg straight and both shoulders on the mat. Hold 30 seconds.

3 repetitions. Switch


Stretch #3

Hip Stretch

Sit on mat with left leg straight out in front of you. Bend right leg and bring right foot in towards groin touching inner left thigh. Lift left leg and bring left ankle over right knee.

Push left knee down towards floor. Hold 30 seconds. 3 repetitions. Switch.


Stretch #4

Low Back/Hip/Oblique Stretch

Lie down on mat in the Supine (face up) position. Place arms out to the side, palms down. Keep both legs bent with both feet on top of mat, bottom of feet down. Bring both knees down to the right side keeping both feet stacked on top of each other. Touch bottom knee to mat, keep both knees together and keep shoulders on mat. 

Hold 30 seconds. Switch


Stretch #5

Cat Stretch/Reach and Extend

Start on mat face down on both hands and kneeling on both knees. Keep arms straight. Arch back. Hold 30 seconds. Reach with right arm underneath left arm close to the floor as far as you can reach to the left. Bring right arm back while placing right hand behind head while twisting right elbow upward.

10 reps. Switch

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