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Strength Training Overload Protocols

Resistance Guidelines


Strength Training: The Right Way

The goal of the strength training program will be to develop overall muscular strength potentials that is safe, sound, sensible, systematic and applicable to your fitness goals and help you lose weight. The more muscle you have the less fat you will have.


Begin each set with a goal to complete the number of repetitions listed. The effort must be increasing for every subsequent repetition.


Each repetition should be performed in a controlled, deliberate manner where the exercise is performed with appropriate level of intensity and with the minimal involvement of momentum.


You should continually contract your target musculature during the raising phase and the lowering phase of each repetition. 


The lowering phase of every repetition should be slower than the raising phase. A suggested guide is to raise the involved limbs up (push or pull) in 2 seconds or at a 2 count and lower (resist) them in 4 seconds or a 4 count.


Flex the muscle momentarily in the mid-range of each exercise when the muscle is in its “fully contracted position.” Then lower the resistance slowly to the starting position. This is the most difficult way to train; however it is the most productive way to train.


When you are able to complete the exercise in proper form for the prescribed number of repetitions, add the appropriate weight (depending on the difficulty of the exercise) appropriate may be as little as 1 pound, yet not greater than 10 pounds and continue to progress. Never sacrifice quality of lifting form for quantity of weight lifted.


Your abdominal muscles are the key to stabilizing your lower back. When your abdominal muscles are relaxed, your back has a tendency to arch. Throughout the pressing movements when lying on your back or seated against a back rest, engage your abdominal muscles by feeling a connection between the lower ribs and the top of your pelvis. Simultaneously feel a connection between your belly button and your spine. To help your abdominal muscles function properly, coordinate your lifting with your breathing. Exhale as you press the weight away from your body, and inhale as you return the weight to the starting position.

If you're muscles are engaged and you still arch your back, you might be lifting too much weight. If the muscles cannot cope with the weight, the other muscles in your lower back kick in to help out. These muscles create the arch in your back. Reduce the weight until you reach an amount that you can lift while maintaining proper form.


Chart your progression, allow ample time to rest and recover between workouts. You should change your workout every 8-10 weeks to prevent overtraining and monotony.


Use the following protocols for the exercises listed. For best results, perform each progressive weight training workout 3x a week a “minimum” 60 minutes each day, giving the muscle group trained 1 day rest in between training days. You may stretch before, during and after each exercise and or days off. Cardiovascular training can be maintained with your squash play during the week and weekends. You do need to rest, NO ACTIVITY  ONE DAY PER WEEK.




3 Alternating sets performed iso-laterally by subtracting 2 reps to each succeeding set. (8-6-4) upper torso, (10-8-6) lower torso.



Set is performed with a 2 count push/pull, 2 count resistance rep.








Exercise #1-Life Fitness Machine Leg Press

Bring seat in as far as you can prior to starting

(shoulder width feet placement, push off whole foot, keep knees in line with shoulders)

110 pounds x 10 reps

130 pounds x 8 reps

150 pounds x 6 reps


Exercise #2-Life Fitness Machine Leg Extension

40 pounds x 10 reps

50 pounds x 8 reps

60 pounds x 6 reps 


Exercise #3- Life Fitness Machine Leg Curl 

90 pounds x 10 reps

110 pounds x 8 reps

120 pounds x 6 reps



Exercise #4-Barbell Head Crusher (narrow grip, keep elbows together) on Flat Bench

Load 5 pounds to bar x 8 reps

Load 5 pounds x 6 reps

Load 10 pounds x 4 reps


Exercise #5-Cable Push Down (use angled bar attachment)

Life Fitness Multi Purpose Cable Device

30 pounds x 8 reps

35 pounds x 6 reps

40 pounds x 4 reps


Exercise #6-Life Fitness Machine Dip

Use Narrow Handle Grip, Keep elbow back and back straight

120 pounds x 8 reps

110 pounds x 6 reps

100 pounds x 4 reps



Exercise #7-Side Lift (Machine located 2nd floor)

You only perform 1 set

You can find the DB's for this exercise in the bins outside of the group fitness room at the top of the stairs.

3 pounds x 8 reps

5 pound DB x 6 reps (Hold DB in the hand that is hanging)

10 pound DB  x 4 reps


Exercise #8-Hip Raises on Mat

Manual Speed Protocol

Side lying position, stack both feet, keep both legs straight

0 pounds x 10 reps each side (Perform this 2x each side)


Exercise #9-Cable Rotation (Using the Life Fitness Multi Purpose Cable Device)

Keep elbows locked in the bent position and extend arms out in front. Rotate from the waist up.

17.5 pounds x 8 reps

20 pounds x 6 reps

22.5 pounds x 4 reps





Descending Pyramid Set Protocol




Smith Machine Chest Press on Incline Bench {Load amount listed to bar} 

45 pounds x 8

50 pounds x 6

60 pounds x 4 



Life Fitness Machine Chest Press

40 pounds x 8

55 pounds x 6

70 pounds x 4 



DB Fly on flat bench 

(2) 12 pound DB's x 8 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 6 reps

(2) 20 pound DB's x 4 reps



Dumbbell Chest Press on Incline Bench

(2) 25 pound DB's x 8 reps

(2) 30 pound DB's x 6 reps

(2) 35 pound DB's x 4 reps



Life Fitness Machine Assisted Dip

Wide handle setting

Keep elbows outward, lean forward

110 pounds x 8 reps

100 pounds x 6 reps

90 pounds x 4 reps




Life Fitness Multi Purpose Cable Device Standing Bicep Curl 

Use straight bar attachment

15 pounds x 8 reps

20 pounds x 6 reps

25 pounds x 4 reps



Standing Dumbbell Curl

Keep elbows back

Hold  both DB's with palms in (hammer grip)

(2) 12 pound DB's x 8 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 6 reps

(2) 20 pound DB's x 4 reps



Standing Barbell Curl

Use curl bar located next to DB rack against window

{Load amount listed to bar}

15 pounds x 8 reps

20  pounds x 6 reps

25 pounds x 4 reps



Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl

Set flat bench 45 degree angle

Extend arms all the way back on each rep

Keep elbows back

(2) 10 pound DB's x 8 reps

(2) 12 pound DB's x 6 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 4 reps 




Decline Sit Up

0 pounds x 8 reps

5 pounds x 6 reps

10 pounds x 4 reps



Straight Leg Lift (Captains Chair)

Regular Speed 15 reps



Bent Knee Raise (Captains Chair)

2 pounds x 8 reps

5 pounds x 6 reps

8 pounds x 4 reps 



Swiss Ball Short Plank

1 minute 



Swiss Ball Roll Back

Regular Speed 15 reps



Kneeling Rope Cable Crunch

40 pounds x 15 reps (regular speed)



Get Up on Mat

5 pound DB x 10 regular speed reps each side







Life Fitness Machine Shoulder Press

Front Handles

30 pounds x 8 reps

40 pounds x 6 reps

50 pounds x 4 reps


Life Fitness Machine Pull Down

Wide Grip on bar attachment

60 pounds x 8 reps

75 pounds x 6 reps

90 pounds x 4 reps


Standing DB Lateral Raise

(2) 5 pound DB's x 8 reps

(2) 6 pound DB's x 6 reps

(2) 8 pound DB's x 4 reps


Life Fitness Machine Cable Row

Keep Back Straight throughout

45 pounds x 8 reps

60 pounds x 6 reps

75 pounds x 4 reps


Hyper Extension {Low Back} (Use hyper extension device on 2nd floor)

Cross arms over chest to perform without weight

Lets arts extend down toward floor when using weight

10 pounds x 8 reps

12 pounds x 6 reps

15 pounds x 4 reps


Rotator Cuff Front Rotation

(2) 2 pound DB's x 8 reps

(2) 3 pound DB's x 6 reps

(2) 5 pound DB's x 4 reps


DB Rear Delt Fly on incline bench (face down) 

(2) 3 pound DB's x 8 reps

(2) 4 pound DB's x 6 reps

(2) 5 pound DB's x 4 reps


Dumbbell Pullover on flat bench (face up){Low Back}

(1) 12 pound DB x 8 reps

(1) 15 pound DB x 6 reps

(1) 20 pound DB x 4 reps


Wall Glides

10 regular speed reps


Cable Low Back Extension

45 pounds x 15 reps (regular speed)


Close Grip Stiff Arm Pull Down on Life Fitness Multi Purpose Cable Device

30 pounds x 8 reps

35 pounds x 6 reps

40 pounds x 4 reps


Pointer Dogs (Opposite Elbow to Opposite Knee touch on Mat (face down)

15 reps each side (regular speed)


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