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Please perform weight training 60 minutes.


Strength Training Overload Protocols

Resistance Guidelines


Strength Training: The Right Way

The goal of the strength training program will be to develop overall muscular strength potentials that is safe, sound, sensible, systematic and applicable to your fitness goals.


Begin each set with a goal to complete the number of repetitions listed. The effort must be increasing for every subsequent repetition.


Each repetition should be performed in a controlled, deliberate manner where the exercise is performed with appropriate level of intensity and with the minimal involvement of momentum.


You should continually contract your target musculature during the raising phase and the lowering phase of each repetition. 


The lowering phase of every repetition should be slower than the raising phase. A suggested guide is to raise the involved limbs up (push or pull) in 2 seconds or at a 2 count and lower (resist) them in 4 seconds or a 4 count.


Flex the muscle momentarily in the mid-range of each exercise when the muscle is in its “fully contracted position.” Then lower the resistance slowly to the starting position. This is the most difficult way to train; however it is the most productive way to train.


When you are able to complete the exercise in proper form for the prescribed number of repetitions, add the appropriate weight (depending on the difficulty of the exercise) appropriate may be as little as 1 pound, yet not greater than 10 pounds and continue to progress. Never sacrifice quality of lifting form for quantity of weight lifted.


Chart your progression, allow ample time to rest and recover between workouts. You should change your workout every 8-10 weeks to prevent overtraining and monotony.


Use the following protocols for the exercises listed:


SEVEN-FOUR-SEVENS 3 Consecutive sets followed by a 30 second rest between sets. After completing the first set, add 10 pounds for upper torso exercises and 20 pounds for lower torso exercises. After the second set is completed, the added weights are removed and set three is performed with the original weight.


MANUAL SPEED Set is performed with a 2 count push/pull, 2 count resistance rep.


TIC-TAC-TOE-Single set whereby a single rep consists of alternating one right and left iso-lateral rep (TIC & TAC, 2 count push, 4 count resist) immediately followed by a bilateral rep (TOE, both at one time, 2 count push, 4 count resist). 



Smith Machine Chest Press {Load amount listed to bar} 

Use flat bench and incline slightly. Make sure bench is lined up so bar is between chin and chest nipples. 

Place each middle finger on line for each hand placement.

Use the self spotter on the machine to protect yourself from injury. (One self spotter on each side, make sure it lines up properly)

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resist

30 pounds x 7

40 pounds x 4

30 pounds x 7 


Life Fitness Machine Chest Press

Adjust seat so handles are positioned at upper chest level.

Adjust range of motion to middle setting.

Keep elbows up. 

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resist

40 pounds x 7

55 pounds x 4

40 pounds x 7 


Dumbbell Fly on incline bench

Perform movement like you are reaching around a swiss ball on your chest.

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resist

(2) 10 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 12 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 10 pound DB's x 7 reps


Dumbbell Chest Press on incline bench (DID NOT PERFORM)

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resist

(2) 15 pound DB's x 7 reps

(2) 20 pound DB's x 4 reps

(2) 15 pound DB's x 7 reps



Life Fitness Machine Cable Curl 

Tic Tac Toe Protocol

Use both sides of the cable device machine for each bicep.

Keep elbows back throughout. Squeeze the bicep at the top of movement each rep.

10 pounds each side x 6 reps


Standing Hammer Dumbbell Curl

Tic Tac Toe Protocol

Keep elbows back throughout.

Hold DB's with palms in.

Squeeze the bicep at he top of each rep.

(2) 12 pound DB's x 6 reps


Standing Barbell Curl (Use the E-Z Curl bar next to the dumbbell rack)

{Load amount listed to bar}

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count curl, 4 count resist.

Keep elbows back throughout.

Use shoulder width grip.

Squeeze bicep at the top of each rep.

15 pounds x 7

20 pounds x 4

15 pounds x 7 


Incline Bench Dumbbell Hammer Curl (DID NOT PERFORM)

Tic Tac Toe Protocol

Incline bench to 45 degrees.

Hold DB's with palms in.

Start with arms extended all the way back as far as you can.

Keep elbows back throughout.

Squeeze bicep at top of each rep.

(2) 10 pound DB's x 6 reps



Decline Sit Up (use decline bench) COULD NOT PERFORM

Manual Speed Protocol

Cross both arms over chest.

Touch both shoulders to bench each rep.

15 reps (Progress to holding a DB at chest height)


Bent Knee Raise (Captains Chair)

7-4-7 Protocol, 2 count up, 4 count down

0 pounds x 7 reps

1 pound ankle weights x 4 reps

0 pounds x 7 reps


Swiss Ball Front Plank (DID NOT PERFORM)

1 minute hold

(Progress by 10 seconds each workout)


Three position Crunch on Mat

Lie down on mat, face up.

Cross left ankle over right knee.

Place right hand behind head.

Left up off mat and touch right elbow to left knee. 15 reps



Touch left elbow to right knee. 15 reps

Bring both knees into chest, elevate both feet.

Place both hands behind head. Touch both elbows to both knees. 15 reps

(Progress to wearing wrist weights)



Hurdle, Butterfly, Straight Leg, Split (HAMSTRINGS, LOW BACK, SHOULDERS, INNER THIGH)

Hold each position 30 seconds.


Seated on a mat, get into a right leg hurdle position (right leg straight, left leg bent, left foot on inside of inner thigh. Reach out and touch right toe with both hands. 


Do not do the same for the left leg. Hip does not bend in this position. Go to straight leg (both)


Butterfly. Seated on mat, Bend both legs and bring both feet into your groin/inner thigh area with the bottoms of you feet facing each other. Drive you knees to the floor while reaching out over your feet.


Straight Leg. Seated on the floor, legs straight, toes pointed up, reach out and touch both toes with both hands.


Split. Seated on mat, both legs separated as far as you can separate, reach out and touch each toe with each hand at the same time. 


Hip Stretch #1-Sit on mat, right leg straight and out in front. Lift left ankle over right knee. Pull left knee into right shoulder. Hold 30 seconds. Other side bring left leg out on mat straight. Cross over left knee with right foot (place foot on top of leg). Push down on right knee.




Please perform weight training 60 minutes.


Use the following protocols for the exercises listed:


SEVEN-FOUR-SEVENS 3 Consecutive sets followed by a 30 second rest between sets. After completing the first set, add 10 pounds for upper torso exercises and 20 pounds for lower torso exercises. After the second set is completed, the added weights are removed and set three is performed with the original weight.


MANUAL SPEED Set is performed with a 2 count push/pull, 2 count resistance rep.


TIC-TAC-TOE-Single set whereby a single rep consists of alternating one right and left iso-lateral rep (TIC & TAC, 2 count push, 4 count resist) immediately followed by a bilateral rep (TOE, both at one time, 2 count push, 4 count resist). 




Exercise #1

Hip Abductor (Outer Thighs) on Mat

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resistSide Lying Position

Do not touch mat/floor

0 pounds x 7

1 pound ankle weight x 4

0 pounds x 7 


Exercise #2

Hip Adductor (Inner Thighs) on Mat

7-4-7 (Protocol) 4 count resist, 2 count pushLie Down on Mat Face Up

Legs straight and elevated above chest

0 pounds x 7

1 pound ankle weight x 4

0 pounds x 7 


Exercise #3

Double Leg Bridge on Mat (Glutes)

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resist

Lie Down on Mat Face Up

Bend both legs, keep both feet on floor

Push off both heels and lift the hips

20 pounds x 7

30 pound ankle weight x 4

20 pounds x 7 



Exercise #4

Cable Tricep Push Down

Tic Tac Toe Protocol

Use both sides of the cable device machine for each bicep.

Keep elbows back throughout.

Start with arms parallel to floor, finish the movement with arms extended straight.

10 pounds each side x 6 reps


Exercise #5

Tricep Dip on Assisted Dip Machine (DID NOT PERFORM)

Manual Speed Protocol

Position handles narrow.

Keep elbows back throughout.

100 pounds x 15 reps


Exercise #6

Dumbbell Head Crusher on Flat Bench

Tic Tac Toe Protocol

Start by holding both DB's at ear level.

Keep arm from shoulder to elbow vertical.

Keep elbows close together throughout.

(2) 8 pound DB's x 6 reps



Exercise #7

Cable Torso Rotation

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resist

Adjust Cable Pulley at waist height

Stand out and away from machine

Grab one side of the attachment with elbows slightly bent and hands out in front of body at waist level

Keep hips stationary

Rotate upper torso 180 degrees

Remember not to rotate hips, just rotate your body from waist up

10 pounds x 7 reps

15 pounds x 4 reps

10 pounds x 7 reps


Exercise #8

Captains Chair Side Lift (DID NOT PERFORM)

Manual Speed Protocol

Hang from Captains Chair (supported on elbows)

Legs straight

Lift legs (both) while bending up to the right and twist so ankles touch right side of device where your right hand is holding on

After completing the exercise on the right, switch to the left

0 pounds, 20 reps each side (Progress to wearing ankle weights)


Exercise #9

Knee Drops on mat 

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count push, 4 count resist

Lie face up on mat.

Bring both knees into chest and raise feet so legs are parallel to floor from knee to toe.

Hold 15 pound DB with right arm directly over right pec.

Keep arm straight throughout and shoulders on the mat at all times throughout the exercise.

Position left arm out to the side with palm down.

Slowly lower both knees to the left, 4 count down (do not touch mat). Lift back up for 2 count.

0 pounds x 7 reps

1 pound ankle weight x 4 reps

0 pounds x 7 reps




Supine (face up) Scorpion on Floor

Start lying face up on mat with arms straight out to the side, palms down, right leg straight in the air, and left left straight and on the floor. Lower (15 second count down) the right leg down to the left hand. Keep both legs straight and both shoulders on the mat. Hold 30 seconds. Switch. 

3 reps each side


Prone (face down) Scorpion

Start lying face down on mat with arms straight out to the side, palms down, right leg bent 90 degrees, left straight and on the mat. Lift up (10 second count) the right leg and angle it over your body and try to touch the left hand. Keep left leg straight and both shoulders on the mat. Hold 10 seconds. Switch. 

3 reps each side




Please perform weight training 60 minutes.


Use the following protocols for the exercises listed:


SEVEN-FOUR-SEVENS 3 Consecutive sets followed by a 30 second rest between sets. After completing the first set, add 10 pounds for upper torso exercises and 20 pounds for lower torso exercises. After the second set is completed, the added weights are removed and set three is performed with the original weight.


MANUAL SPEED Set is performed with a 2 count push/pull, 2 count resistance rep.


TIC-TAC-TOE-Single set whereby a single rep consists of alternating one right and left iso-lateral rep (TIC & TAC, 2 count push, 4 count resist) immediately followed by a bilateral rep (TOE, both at one time, 2 count push, 4 count resist). 




Exercise #1

Life Fitness Machine Cable Pull Down

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count pull, 4 count resist

Wide Overhand Grip on Bar

Bring bar down to chin level

Extend arms all the way straight at top of movement to stretch lats each rep

60 pounds x 7

75 pounds x 4

60 pounds x 7 


Exercise #2

Life Fitness Machine Cable Row

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count pull, 4 count resist

Keep back vertical/straight throughout.

Pull Handle/Weight to sternum.

Squeeze Shoulder Blades, Keep elbows pointed back and close to torso

45 pounds x 7

60 pounds x 4

45 pounds x 7 


Exercise #3

Dumbbell Row on Incline Bench

Tic Tac Toe ProtocolAdjust bench to 30 degree angle

Lie down on bench face down, kneeling on bench.

You may kneel with one leg on bench, one leg on floor for balance

Use 2 dumbbells

Keep elbows back throughout.

Extend arms straight at bottom of movement each rep

(2) 15 pound DB's x 6 reps



Exercise #4

Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Tic Tac Toe Protocol

Adjust bench to ninety degrees/vertical

Start by holding both DB's by your side, arms straight.

Raise arms up to ear level each rep keeping straight throughout

(2) 5 pound DB's x 6 reps


Exercise #5

Seated Dumbbell Press (Please use proper form for this movement)

Tic Tac Toe Protocol

Adjust bench to ninety degrees/vertical

Start by holding both DB's by your ears, arms bent ninety degrees.

Press DB overhead and angle inward over top of your head.

Do not let DB's sway or lean forward on movement.

Do not let DB's lower past ear level.

(2) 5 pound DB's x 6 reps


Exercise #6

Kettlebell Overhead Press Elbow to Knee

Manual Speed Protocol

Hold KB in the rack position on the R. side of your chest.

Press KB overhead. Lock elbow and keep arm straight at the side of your head.

Lower KB down while bringing your right knee up. 

Angle your upper torso down and touch right elbow to right knee.

10 pound KB x 12 reps each side.



Exercise #7

Hyper Extension (Did not perform)

7-4-7 (Protocol) 4 count resist, 2 count pull/up

Adjust Pad so quads are supported when facing down on device.

Support both ankles on pads below.

Extends arms straight down toward floor.

Lower body 4 count down as far as your flexibility allows.

Bring upper torso back up to starting position slightly arching back at top of movement.

0 pounds x 7 reps

5 pounds x 4 reps

0 pounds x 7 reps


Exercise #8

Leg lift on mat

7-4-7 (Protocol) 2 count up, 4 count resist

Lie face down on mat.

Lift right leg up, keep leg straight and toe pointed

Lower back down to mat without touching

0 pounds x 7 reps

1 pound ankle weights x 4 reps

0 pounds x 7 reps


Exercise #9

Pointer Dogs

Manual Speed Protocol

Start out kneeling on mat face down both arms straight.

Raise right arm straight out in front while lifting left leg straight out behind you as far as you can.

Bring right elbow and left knee together below your torso and touch. Do not touch floor at all.

12 reps each side. (Progress to using wrist and ankle weights)




Forward Lunge Lean/Twist/Reach (Did not perform)

Hold each position 5 seconds

From the lunge position, Right leg out in front, kneel on left knee.

(Push chest forward & lean with arms at your side, hold 5 seconds, raise arms overhead and arch back, tilt head backward, hold 5 seconds, bring right arm on inside of right thigh and twist to the left, hold 5 seconds)

3 each leg

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