Everyday Fitness Lifestyle
SINCE 2003
Cathy M
Rotator Cuff exercises listed below highlighted in green.
Use the following protocols for the exercises listed.
For kettlebell exercises there are no protocols.
CRAZY EIGHTS-Single set whereby each rep is performed by doing a normal speed (2 count push or pull) concentrically, holding isometrically for 8 seconds, and lowering eccentrically at normal speed 4 (count resist).
SIX SHOOTERS (SS) - Set is performed using a normal speed rep (2 count push or pull, 4 count resistance) whereby every sixth rep the lifter performs a six second concentric (push or pull)/six second eccentric (resistance) rep.
POSITIVELY NEGATIVE (PN) set whereby first 5 reps are lifted in a 10 second concentric (PUSH OR PULL) followed by a “normal speed” (2 SECOND) eccentric (RESISTANCE) rep. After completing half the number (5) reps they are performed vise versa.
IN/DECREASING QUARTERS- Single set that begins lifting load to fully contracted position. It is proceeded by lowering the load eccentrically to ¾, ½, ¼ ranges of motion a and lifted back to the fully contracted position.
PARTIAL RANGE REP SETS single sets where the first and fourth sets are performed for 4 full ROM reps, the second set for 4 upper half range reps and the third set is for 4 lower half range reps.
FAB Fives- Single set whereby each rep is performed by using a 15 second cadence (5 sec concentric lifting/5 second hold in the fully contracted position/5 second eccentric lowering)
MANUAL SPEED - Set is performed using a 2 count push or pull and a 2 count resistance rep.
KB = Kettlebell
DB = Dumb Bell
Hip Abductor on Mat
(In/Decreasing Quarters Protocol)
2 pound ankle weights x 10 reps
Hip Adductor on Mat
2 pound ankle weights x 8 reps
KB Figure 8 Pass Thru
15 pound KB x 25 reps each way
DB Overhead Press Elbow to Knee with 2 pound ankle weights
8 pound DB x 10 reps right elbow to right knee
8 pound DB x 10 reps left elbow to left knee
8 pound DB x 10 reps right elbow to left knee
8 pound DB x 10 reps left elbow to right knee
KB High Pull
15 pound KB x 15 reps
KB Alternating Lunge Pass Thru
10 pound KB x 16 reps (8) each leg
KB Overhead Chest Press Sit Up/Side to Side
10 pound KB x 15 reps
KB Vertical Clean
15 pound KB x 10 each side
KB Vertical Clean/Overhead Push/Press
15 pound KB x 12 each side
KB Vertical Clean/Overhead/Push/Press/Elbow to Knee And Opposite Elbow to Knee)
10 pound KB x 10 each movement
KB Sling Shot
10 pound KB x 15 reps each way
DB Get Up
5 pound DB x 6 each side
KB Clams
15 pound KB x 15 reps
KB Two Arm Swing
15 pound KB x 20 reps
(2) KB Two Arm Swing
10 pound KB's x 20 reps
KB Single Arm Swing
10 pound KB x 20 reps
KB Single Arm Transition Swing
10 pound KB x 20 reps
KB Vertical Clean/Overhead Push/Press/Squat
10 pound KB x 8 each side
(1) Hurdle, Butterfly, Straight Leg, Split
Hold each position 5 seconds.
Seated on a mat, get into a right leg hurdle position (right leg straight, left leg bent, left foot on inside of inner thigh. Reach out and touch right toe with both hands.
Do the same for the left leg.
Butterfly. Seated on mat, Bend both legs and bring both feet into your groin/inner thigh area with the bottoms of you feet facing each other. Drive you knees to the floor while reaching out over your feet.
Straight Leg. Seated on the floor, legs straight, toes pointed up, reach out and touch both toes with both hands.
Split. Seated on mat, both legs separated as far as you can separate, reach out and touch each toe with each hand at the same time.
(2) Floor Bridge Knee Hug/Bridge Straight Leg
Start face up on mat, bridge bring right knee in toward chest, hold 5 seconds. Release and touch hips to the floor. Bridge to a right straight leg, pull above knee with one hand and use the other to push below the knee (object is to get leg as straight as possible) toward chest, hold 5 seconds, release touch and switch. After two repetitions, perform the last set by lowering the opposing leg you are stretching to get more hamstring flexibility. x 3 each side.
(3) Hip Stretch #1-Sit on mat, right leg straight and out in front. Lift left ankle over right knee. Pull left knee into right shoulder. Hold 20 seconds. Switch.
(4) Hip Stretch #2-Sit on mat. Bend right leg and bring right foot in towards groin. Lift left leg and bring left ankle over right knee.
Push left knee down towards floor. Hold 20 seconds. Switch.
(5) IT Band Stretch
Lie down on mat on right side. Grab left ankle (not foot) with left hand. Lift left knee up then touch left foot to floor behind your right leg. Lift your right leg and place right foot on top of left knee. Push down towards floor. Hold 30 seconds. Switch.
TRX Exercises for home or gym
TRX Exercises (All slow controlled repetitions (feel the muscle on each repetition), Straps will be at 2 positions. Position (L)=Long & Position (S)=Short
Squats (both legs) (S)
Face wall/door/mirror, lean back, Feet Shoulder Width apart, knees should not cross over toes when squatting. Grip handles palms down, squat down until quads are parallel to floor, keep arms straight and back straight. Muscles worked quads, glutes, hamstrings, core, upper back. 18 REPS
Single Leg Squat Pull In (S) CONTROLLED SPEED
Face wall/door/mirror, seated on floor, position right leg bent (careful not to hyper extend right knee), right foot flat on floor, left leg straight. Position (center) both handles around right leg/foot. Pull yourself up as you push off right leg to a fully standing position. You may keep left foot on floor. Push down on both handles at top of movement to finish rep. Slowly return to floor using right leg and handles. Progress to lifting left leg while performing movement. Switch legs. 12 REPS each leg
Chest Press (L)
Face away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go), grip handles, palms down, wider then shoulder width, lower (slow controlled) your body down toward the floor keeping your body straight from your neck to ankles, when you have reached 90 degrees with your arms bending (no further) push back up to the starting position. Muscles worked, chest, triceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps
Inverted Row (S)
Face wall/door/mirror inverted (hanging up) at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go), grip handles palms down, pull yourself up (slow controlled) toward the ceiling/wall keeping your body straight from your neck to ankles and turning your handles inward, when you have reached the top, descend back down to the starting position extending your arms straight on each rep and turning the handles back to palm down position on each rep. Muscles worked upper back, biceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps
Reverse Fly (S) Face wall/door/mirror at a slight angle. Hold handles palms in. Keep arms straight throughout. Start with hands together with your body hanging back slightly. Pull your body up toward wall/mirror/door with hands at face level. When you have reached the top of the movement STOP (DO NOT GO INTO DEAD SPACE). Keep arms straight and decend/resist back to the starting position. Muscles worked posterior deltoids, core, triceps. 12 reps
Bicep Curl (S)
Face wall/door/mirror at a slight angle. Hold handles palms up. Start with hands together with your body hanging back slightly. Pull your body up toward wall/mirror/door with hands at face level. Keep arms from elbows to hands parallel to floor always. When you have reached the top of the movement STOP SQUEEZE BICEP (DO NOT GO INTO DEAD SPACE). Resist back to the starting position. Muscles worked biceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps
Overhead Tricep Extension (L)
Face away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go). Grip handles, palms down, keep arms straight from shoulder to elbow, keep elbows together. Lower (slow controlled) your body down toward the floor bringing your hands to your head (just like a free weight head crusher only you are standing) keeping your body straight from your neck to ankles (keep butt in line with neck and heels), when you have reached your head with the handles, push back up to the starting position. Muscles worked, triceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps
Standing Roll Out (L)
Face away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go). Grip handles, palms down, keep arms straight from handles to shoulders, keep elbows shoulder width apart. Lower (slow controlled) your body down toward the floor bringing your hands straight up above head, keeping your body straight from your neck to ankles (keep butt in line with neck and heels), when you have reached your limit on the move inward after arching your back, push off handles using your core muscles to bring you back to the starting position. Muscles worked, low back, core, shoulders, triceps. 12 reps
Straight Arm Chest Fly (L)
Face away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go), grip handles together in front of chest, palms inward, arms straight, (stay straight throughout). Descend your body down toward the floor keeping your arms and body straight from your neck to ankles, when you have reached your finish position (Iron Cross) without your arms bending (no further) push back up to the starting position. Muscles worked, chest, triceps, core, shoulders. 12 rep
Seated Leg Curl
Cybex Machine Leg Curl (Seated) Located in the row of equipment toward the women's locker room entrance.
Paramount Machine Leg Curl (Seated) Located in the row of equipment toward the women's locker room entrance.
Muscles worked: Hamstrings
(Crazy Eight Protocol)
30 pounds x 8 reps
Cybex Machine Leg Extension
(Crazy Eight Protocol)
40 pounds x 8 reps
Cybex Machine Leg Extension
(Crazy Eight Protocol)
30 pounds x 8 reps
Paramount Machine Chest Press (Located 1st Row, 1st machine)
Muscles worked: Pec/Chest (major), Tricep (secondary)
Use top handles, keep elbows up.
Feel a stretch across the chest muscles on each repetition. This will designate how far you should bring the handles in toward the chest each repetition.
(In/Decreasing Quarters Protocol)
(Fab 5 Protocol)
20 pounds x 6 reps
Standing Assisted Chin Up Machine (Located next to the stair climber in the cardio equipment area of the gym, Row #2)
(Manual Speed Protocol)
Try 50 pounds and perform 15-20 controlled repetitions.
Use the narrow grip (palms in) handles. Progress to wider grip (overhand grip) handles. The closer you grip, the stronger your pulling point.
Cable Machine Pull Down (Use an underhand narrow grip if you feel shoulder discomfort)
(Fab 5 Protocol)
45 pounds x 6 reps
Paramount Machine Shoulder Press (located 2nd Row, 4th machine) Use front handles to start. Use other 2 handles when/if you want more resistance. Other two handles make the push harder.
Keep lower back against backrest at all times.
Muscles worked: Medial/Anterior Deltoids (major), Chest (secondary)
Adjust seat #3
(Manual Speed Protocol)
15 pounds x 15-20 repetitions.
Rear Deltoid Fly on Incline Bench (face down)
Lie down on incline (45 degrees) bench. You may kneel with both knees on bench. Hold DB's with both arms hanging straight down. Raise arms out to the side until parallel to floor.
(Partial Range Rep Set Protocol)
3 pound DB's x 16 reps
(Manual Speed Protocol)
Cable external Rotations
Adjust dual cable pulley system to elbow height on both sides. Keep elbow tucked against body throughout. Step forward slightly so the weight does not bottom out on the stack. Pull both handles forward, pivoting from the elbow until you touch. Resist back until you feel a full stretch across the tendon of the rotator cuff.
5 pounds each side x 15 reps
Cable Internal Rotations
(Manual Speed Protocol)
Same as above except remove handles and hardware from cable. Hold cable with the round fastener with a reverse grip. Again, elbows stay tucked. Hold 1 side of the cable higher than the other to prevent crossing over/interference.
2.5 pounds each side x 15 reps
Dumbbell Rotation from side lying position on mat
(Positively Negative protocol)
Lie down on mat, side position. Keep body steady and straight throughout. Hold elbow on top of your torso (side) with your forearm perpendicular to your torso. Keep elbow on top throughout. Start with DB all the way against floor. Lift until you completed full range of motion.
3 pound DB x 10 reps
Arm Rotation from Supine position (face up)
(manual speed Protocol)
Lie down on mat, face up, elbows out to the side, arms bent ninety degrees. Keep shoulders on mat throughout. Rotate forearms 180 degrees until you have reached full range of motion. Goal is to touch wrists to floor on both sides of rotation without lifting shoulders off mat.
0 pounds x 10 reps
The following two exercises can be performed on the same Multi Purpose Cable Machine.
(Located outside the womens locker room entrance)
Standing Bicep Curl (using a rope attachment)
Muscles worked: Biceps
Keep elbows back throughout
Make sure the weight selection is correctly positioned (Heavier/Lighter)
(Partial Range Rep Set Protocol)
10 pounds x 16 reps
Standing Tricep Push Down (using a solid bar attachment)
Muscles worked: Triceps
Keep Elbow back throughout
Make sure the weight selection is correctly positioned (Heavier/Lighter)
(In/Decreasing Quarters Protocol)
15 pounds x 6 reps
Only perform the Captains Chair Exercises if you feel comfortable holding yourself in the hanging position. Try using the Captains Chair with the "half bocu" as a back rest.
Captains Chair
Low Abdominal Exercises
No weight to start, Progress to ankle weights.
Straight Leg Lifts x 15 reps
Bent Knee Raises x 15 reps
Kick Out x 15 reps
Half Lift x 15 reps
Side Lift x 15 reps (works external obliques)
Floor Exercises for Low Abs
(Manual Speed Protocol)
(face up on floor)
Single Leg Alternating Lifts (Sizzor Kicks)
Cross Over Straight Leg Sizzors
Elbow to Knee Bicycles
15 reps each exercise
Hyper Extension
No weight to start, Progress to holding Dumbbell, arms extended
15 reps
Bird Dog Crunches
(Crazy Eight Protocol)
Start on all 4's. Raise right arm and left leg up simultaneously. Hold. Lower and touch opposite elbow to opposite knee.
6 reps each side (progress to ankle and wrist weights)
Hip Raises on Mat
No weight to start, Progress to holding DB in the air with arm extended.