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performed iso-laterally (2 count push) while the opposing limb is being held isometrically

for the four second negative (resist) alternating between left and right limbs. 


SUICIDE SETS Single set system performing a maximal concentric (2 count push) effort using “controlled” reps throughout the exercises fullest ROM in the prescribed repetition range. 4 count resist.


SWEET SIXTEENS Four sets of 4 (UT) repetitions followed by a 10 (UT)/20 (LT) second rest between each set. At least 16/20 reps must be achieved. When 16/20 reps are achieved, the weight is increased. All 2 count push, 4 count resist.



Free Weight Flat Bench Press

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

Grip bar with small finger on line

105 pounds x 16 reps


Dumbbell Flat Bench Press

(Iso-Lateral Negative Accentuated Set Protocol)

30 pound DB’s x 6 reps


Smith Machine Flat Bench Press

(Suicide Set Protocol)

Grip bar with small finger on line

Load 90 pounds x 6 reps


Iceman/Get Up/Push Up (Add 1’s) (Did not perform)

5 pound DB x 10



Standing Cable Curl (use solid bar attachment with shoulder width grip)

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

40 pounds x 16 reps


Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl

(Iso-Lateral Negative Accentuated Set Protocol) 

25 pound DB’s x 6 reps


Standing Barbell E-Z Curl

(Suicide Set Protocol)

Shoulder width or narrow grip, straight or curl bar

Load 40 pounds x 6 reps


Kettlebell Curls (Did not perform)

(Sweet Sixteens)

20 pound KB x 6 reps



Bent Knee Raise on Captains Chair

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

Hold 10 pound DB between feet x 16 reps


Double Leg Lift on Captains Chair

(Iso-Lateral Negative Accentuated Set Protocol) 

0 pounds x 6 reps


Decline Sit Up (If Vanguard does not have this device, you may use the Hyper Extension device (facing out) or Abdominal Crunch Machine.

(Suicide Set)

Hold DB at chest level

40 pound DB x 6 reps


5/22/17 WORKOUT

Upper Back

Wide Cable Pull Down

Hold bar out at the end for a full wide grip. 

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

105 pounds x 16 reps


Dual Cable Close Dickerson

Use box to sit on, keep arms straight throughout, bring arms down to your side for a close range of motion.

(Iso-Lateral Negative Accentuated Set Protocol)

40 pounds (20 each side)  x 6 reps


Pull Up

(Suicide Set Protocol)

Add 1 rep to each workout after completing and mastering previous amount. Each rep strict with full range of motion and extension - target chin for hand grip.

6 reps


Dumbbell Pullover

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol) 

Lie flat bench (not perpendicular)

40 pound DB x 16



Seated Dumbbell Press

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

Do not arch back, bring DB's to ear level each rep.

25 pound DB’s x 16 reps


Seated Dumbbell Side Raise

(Iso-Lateral Negative Accentuated Set Protocol) 

Keep arms straight throughout. Raise arms to ear level each rep.

10 pound DB’s x 6 reps


Smith Machine Press

(Suicide Set Protocol)

Grip bar one fist wider than shoulder width.

Load 60 pounds x 6 reps


Rear Deltoid Dumbbell Fly on Incline Bench

(face down)

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

Keep arms straight throughout, raise arms until perpendicular to floor each rep

8 pound DB’s x 16 reps


Low Back

Kneeling Roll Out (use Wheel)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Important that your hips move lower first to arch back, then extend arms out in front.

15 reps


Bent Knee Dead Lift

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Bar is 15 inches off floor. Make sure you come to a comlete stop each rep.

Load 50 pounds to bar x 15 reps


Front Plank/Leg Lift

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

0 pounds x 16 reps each leg


Swiss Ball Hyper Extension

(Suicide Set Protocol)

Do not place DB on neck/spine. Place on posterior deltoids or trap muscle.

20 pound DB x 6 reps


5/23/17 WORKOUT


Smith Machine Squats

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

Use pad on bar. Bar should rest on your traps, not neck. keep feet out in front of knees and lean back against bar throughout. 

Load 10 pounds x 16 reps


DB Step Up on (Small) Box

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Make sure your whole foot is on box each rep. Step up right, step back right.

20 pound DB’s x 15 reps each side


Barbell Hack Squat

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Load 15 pounds to bar x 15 reps


Hamstring DB Curl

(Suicide Set Protocol)

10 pound DB x 8 reps


Single Leg Squat using Smith Machine Bar (Did not perform)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

10 reps each leg




Smith Machine Close Grip Tricep Press

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol)

Load 60 pounds x 16 reps


Dumbbell Headcrusher

(Iso-Lateral Negative Accentuated Set Protocol) 

25 pound DB’s x 6 reps


Cable Push Down

(Suicide Set Protocol)

Solid Handle Attachment

50 pounds x 6 reps


DB Kick Back w/Twist Up

10 pound DB’s x 50 reps



Standing Cable Rotation

(Sweet Sixteens Protocol) 

20 pounds x 16 reps each side


Side Lying Oblique Crunch

(Manual Speed Protocol)

2 pound wrist & ankle weight x 15 reps each side


Standing DB Side Pull

(Suicide Set Protocol)

40 pound DB x 6 reps


Supine Oblique Crunch w/Legs Straight Up

(Manual Speed Protocol)

(2) 5 pound DB’s x 15 reps each side









Wide Cable Pulldowns

75 pounds  (5 sets)


Standing or Seated on Incline Bench Close (Grip) Dickersons

Keep arms straight throughout, fully extend arms at top of movement

(Started 30 pounds, Finished 25 pounds) 5 sets


Rope Pull-Ins

Pull center of rope attachment toward sternum

45 pounds 5 sets


Standing or Seated on Incline Bench Wide (Grip) Dickersons

Keep arms straight throughout, fully extend arms at top of movement

25 pounds  3 sets 


Standing Cable Row

Slightly bent over position with legs locked in the slightly bent position. All weight on legs (not low back)

Pull handle to sternum

20 pounds 3 sets


Bent Over Rows  4 sets 

Slightly bent over position with legs locked in the slightly bent position. All weight on legs (not low back)

45 pound Olympic Bar 5 sets 


Close (Grip) Dickersons - 12/12's - 5 sets (stiff arm pulldowns)

(*see note for 12/12's)

25 pounds 5 sets


* Note: 12/12's explanation

12/12's are performed by doing 12 reps with a given weight and then counting to 12 in the stretched position (Leg Extensions/bottom position, hamstring curls fully engaged with heels toward glutes, calf raises full engaged on toes, side lateral raises/arms at sides, curls/hanging position, etc) and then performing a total of 5 sets (4 more sets after set one) in the same fashion. 





VG Gym does not have Leg Extension, Leg Curl or Leg Press Machines. These machines/exercises are important for leg




5 sets each of the following


Use 2 pound ankle weight on reach leg 

Single leg bridge x 1 minute (push off Right heel)

10 second break

Single leg Hip Abductor x 1 minute (elevate Right leg)

10 second break

Double leg Hip Adductor x 1 minute (both legs)

10 second break

Single leg bridge x 1 minute (push off Left heel)

10 second break

Single leg Hip Abductor x 1 minute (elevate Left leg)



Olympic Bar Weight (support on shoulders/traps), TRX

Use 1 minute on 30 second off protocol x 5 sets


Set #1 TRX Double Leg Squat

Set #2 Olympic Bar

Set #3 TRX Double Leg Squat

Set #4 Olympic Bar

Set #5 TRX Single Leg Squat Pull In (30 seconds each leg)


Lying Leg Curl (use ankle straps)

5 pounds per leg

12/12 Protocol x 5 sets


Seated  Calf Raise on Leg Press Machine

Keep legs straight

30 pounds

12/12 Protocol x 5 sets


Seated Calf Raises

Sit on flat bench with toes on edge of elevated riser

25 pound plate

12/12 Protocol x 5 sets




Incline Dumbbell Press  

15 pound DB's - 3 sets


Incline Smith  

Load 20 pounds - 3 sets (slow, strict and concentrated - using only your pecs)


Incline Cable Flys 

5 pounds (each side) - 3 sets 


Cable Flys/Flat Bench DB Flys Superset 

Use any pulley position

5 pounds each side (cable) 10 pound DB's - 3 sets each


Flat Bench Press

Load 5 pounds to bar - 5 sets


Cable Crossovers

Use (3) cable pulley positions (Front, Slightly angled down in front, Straight down in front)


5 pounds each side - 3 sets


Pullovers on Flat Bench

Can be performed lying on bench perpendicular or aligned on bench. 

15 pound DB 3 sets (very important exercise for serratus and ribcage)




DB Side Lateral Raise (can be performed seated or standing) 

12/12's 5 sets

4 pound DB's 


Seated Dumbbell Press  

10 pound DB's x 5 sets


Incline Bench One Arm DB Lying Raise

(lift both at one time)

4 pound DB's x 5 sets


Machine Shoulder Press

(can be performed on Smith Machine or Shoulder Press Machine if VG has one)

If using Shoulder Press Machine, use side handles (more difficult/medial deltoid) and front handles (less difficult/anterior and medial deltoid)

10 pounds x 5 sets


DB Front Raise

(can be performed standing or seated)

4 pound DB's x 5 sets



Use Smith Machine

Load 40 pounds x 5 sets 


DB Side Lateral Raise (can be performed standing or seated)

4 pound DB's x 5 sets





Dumbbell Concentration Curls on Incline Bench or Preacher Bench & Cable Concentration Curl Superset

Cable 5 pounds

DB 10 pounds

3 sets each


Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls

(Hold all the way stretched for 12 second count)

12 pound DB's - 5 sets


Straight Barbell Curls  12/12's

35 pounds x 5 sets


Barbell  Curls (Curl bar)

25 pounds - 5 sets



Pressdowns 12/12's  with rope attachment

(Hold arms parallel to floor for 12 second count)

25 pounds - 5 sets


Close Grip Bench on Smith Machine (preferred)

Load 20 pounds  - 5 sets


Skullcrushers/Pressdowns Superset

Skullcrusher 30 pounds (with solid angled handle)

Press Down 15 pounds

3 sets each


DB Kickbacks (On incline bench face down for support) 

6 pound DB's - 5 sets


Strength Training Overload Protocols

Resistance Guidelines


Strength Training: The Right Way

The goal of the strength training program will be to develop overall muscular strength potentials that is safe, sound, sensible, systematic and applicable to your fitness goals.


Begin each set with a goal to complete the number of repetitions listed. The effort must be increasing for every subsequent repetition.



Each repetition should be performed in a controlled, deliberate manner where the exercise is performed with appropriate level of intensity and with the minimal involvement of momentum.



You should continually contract your target musculature during the raising phase and the lowering phase of each repetition. 


The lowering phase of every repetition should be slower than the raising phase. A suggested guide is to raise the involved limbs up in 1-2 seconds or at a 1-2 count and lower them in 4-5 seconds or a 4-5 count.


Flex the muscle momentarily in the mid-range of each exercise when the muscle is in its “fully contracted position.” Then lower the resistance slowly to the starting position. This is the most difficult way to train; however it is the most productive way to train.


When you are able to complete the exercise in proper form for the prescribed number of repetitions, add the appropriate weight (depending on the difficulty of the exercise) appropriate may be as little as 2.5 pounds, yet not greater than 10 pounds and continue to progress. Never sacrifice quality of lifting form for quantity of weight lifted.


Chart your progression, allow ample time to rest and recover between workouts. You should change your workout in 8 weeks to prevent overtraining and monotony.


Use the following protocols for the exercises listed unless noted otherwise. You may perform the exercises in the order listed.

Remember to keep back straight (do not arch) on all movements when you are lying down or supported on a back rest. 


SEVEN-UP-SETS Single set whereby a 35-45 second isometric contraction is front/back loaded in the fully contracted position and pre/proceeded by seven “normal-speed (2 count push or pull, 4 count resist) reps. Upper torso 35 seconds, Lower torso 45 seconds.

SIX SHOOTERS Set is performed at normal rep (2 count push or pull, 4 count resist) whereby every sixth rep the lifter performs a six second concentric (push or pull)/six second eccentric (resist) rep. Upper torso 10-12 reps, lower torso, 16-18 reps.





Exercise #1

Single Leg Bridge on Mat Face Up

Muscles worked: Glutes, Hamstrings, Calf, Core

Lie face up on mat, bridge. Elevate right leg next to left knee. Keep right leg straight throughout. Do not swing right leg, just move hips. Push off heel of left foot. Do not touch floor. Switch legs after set.

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

0 pounds x 45 second hold (hips off floor)

0 pounds x 7 reps

0 pounds x 45 second hold (hips off floor)

Progress to holding a dumbbell on your hips when you master the movement.


Exercise #2

Prone (face down) Leg Lift on Mat

Muscles worked: Glutes, Low Back, Upper Hamstrings

Lie face down on mat, support chin on hands. Bend right leg ninety degrees. Lift as high as you can (push with heel while flexing foot) to fully engage glutes. After set, switch legs.

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

0 pounds x 45 second hold 

0 pounds x 7 reps

0 pounds x 45 second hold 

Progress to ankle weight.


Exercise #3

Supine (face up) Single Leg Lift

Muscles worked: Quadriceps, Hip Flexors, Tibia, Low Abs

Sit on mat, back straight. Place both hands directly by your side (not behind you), even with your hips. Keep both legs and arms straight. Lift right leg as far as you can, hold. After set switch legs.

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

0 pounds x 45 second hold 

0 pounds x 7 reps

0 pounds x 45 second hold 

Progress to ankle weight.


Exercise #4

Standing Straight Leg Dead Lift

Muscles worked: Hamstrings, low back (but you should not feel this movement primarily in the low back)

Stand feet shoulder width apart. Important to keep legs 100% straight throughout. Lower dumbbells to floor.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

25 pound DB’s x 18 reps



Exercise #1

Bench Dips

Muscles worked: Triceps, Shoulders

(Six Shooter Protocol)

0 pounds x 12 reps

Progress to holding DB or Plate across Quads


Exercise #2

Dumbbell Head Crusher on Flat Bench

Muscles worked: Triceps, Shoulders

Make sure elbows are held close, keep arm straight from elbow to shoulder throughout.

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

15 pound DB’s x 35 second hold 

15 pound DB’s x 7 reps

15 pound DB’s x 35 second hold


Exercise #3

Close Grip Dumbbell Press on Flat Bench

Muscles Worked: Triceps, Chest, Shoulders

Hold dumbbells close to your body at sternum level

(Six Shooter Protocol)

20 pound DB’s x 12 reps


Exercise #4

Bent Over Kick Back with twist up

Muscles worked: Triceps

Keep elbows pointed up, keep arm from elbow to shoulder parallel to floor throughout.

(Manual Speed Protocol)

12 pound DB’s x 15 reps



Exercise #1

Hip Raise on Mat 

Muscles worked: External obliques, shoulders, triceps

Keep body in the side plank position, stack feet, keep elbow on supporting side directly below shoulder throughout. You may support your body with opposite hand on mat.

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

0 pounds x 35 second hold (hips off floor)

0 pounds x 7 reps

0 pounds x 35 second hold (hips off floor)

Progress to holding opposite arm above your body throughout and or hold a dumbbell or plate on your hip.


Exercise #2

Knee Drops on Mat

Muscles worked: External Obliques, Abs, Outer Thighs, Shoulders

Lie face up on mat, bring both knees into chest, elevate feet. Hold DB with right arm straight and directly above right shoulder.

Place left arm directly out to the side perpendicular to your body, palm down.

Keep both shoulders on the mat throughout.

Slowly lower both knees to the left until you are just above mat. Do not touch floor. Switch sides after set.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

15 pound DB x 12 reps


Exercise #3

Side Pull on Hyper Extension Device

Muscles worked: External Obliques

Position your body in a side plank position.

Make sure hip pad is adjusted so your hip is supported without hanging over pad. Keep legs straight throughout. Switch sides after set.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

0 pounds x 12 reps





Exercise #1

Smith Machine Flat Chest Press

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), Triceps, Abs, Shoulders (secondary)

Use the line on the bar to space hands. Wide place index finger to start. This is the most difficult push point. Narrow is small finger on line. Use this for heavier load. Keep elbos back throughout. Bar should land just above chest, no lower than nipples.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

Load 70 pounds to bar (bar is 25 pounds) x 12 reps


Exercise #2

Flat Bench DB Fly

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), Serratus, Abs, Shoulders (secondary)

Keep elbows locked in the bent position. Do not bring DB’s past your body at bottom of movement. 

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

25 pound DB’s x 35 second hold (3/4 down)

25 pound DB’s x 7 reps 

25 pound DB’s x 35 second hold (3/4 down)


Exercise #3

Flat Bench DB Press

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), Triceps, Abs, Shoulders (secondary)

Bring DB’s wide at bottom of movement. Bring DB’s together at top of movement.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

30 pound DB’s x 12 reps


Exercise #4


Muscles worked: Pecs (major), triceps, shoulders (secondary)

Keep elbows out, lean slightly forward if you do not feel resistance in the pecs. Progress to ankle weights.

(Manual Speed Protocol)

0 pounds x 15 reps


Exercise #5

Standing Cable Fly (use multi purpose cable device)

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), Shoulders, Core (if feet are together) secondary.

Keep elbows locked in the bent position. Keep hands out in front of pecs when bringing handles together. Do not go past body on resistance rep. (too much rotator cuff, not good)

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

25 pounds x 35 second hold (3/4 back)

25 pounds x 7 reps 

25 pounds x 35 second hold (3/4 back)




Exercise #1

Standing (E-Z Curl Bar) Bicep Curl

Muscles worked: Biceps (major), Core, shoulders (secondary)

Keep elbows back throughout, full extension at bottom of movement on each rep, squeeze bicep at top of movement each rep.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

Load 20 pounds to bar x 12 reps


Exercise #2

Standing DB Bicep Curl

Muscles worked: Biceps (major), Core, Shoulders (secondary)

Hold DB’s palms up. 

Keep elbows back throughout, full extension at bottom of movement on each rep, squeeze bicep at top of movement each rep.

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

15 pound DB’s x 35 second hold (half way up)

15 pound DB’s x 7 reps

15 pound DB’s x 35 second hold (half way up)


Exercise #3

Incline Bench DB Curl

Muscles Worked: Biceps (major), Core, Shoulders (secondary)

Position Bench 45 degrees. Extend arms fully  each time at bottom of movement. Keep elbows back throughout.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

15 pound DB’s x 12 reps


Exercise #4

Concentration Single Arm DB Curl on flat bench

Muscles worked: Biceps

Sit on flat bench, Hold right arm between shoulder and elbow inside of right thigh. Full extension throughout, squeeze bicep at top of movement each rep. 

(10-8-6-8-10 Protocol)

10 pound DB x 10 reps

12 pound DB x 8 reps

15 pound DB x 6 reps

12 pound DB x 8 reps

10 pound DB x 10 reps



Exercise #1

Captains Chair Exercises

Muscles worked: Low Abdominal (major), Middle Abs, Triceps, Shoulders, Low Back (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Straight Leg Lift x 15 reps

Bent Knee Raise x 15 reps

Kickouts x 15 reps

Half Lifts x 15 reps

Progress to holding dumbbell between feet or use ankle weights


Exercise #2

Floor/Mat Ab Exercises

Muscles worked: Low Abdominal (major), Low Back (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Single Leg Alternating Lifts x 15 reps each way

Crossover Alternating Sizzors x 15 reps each way

In/Up/Lower x 15 reps


Exercise #3

Overhead Chest Press Sit-up/Side to Side

Muscles worked: Middle Abdominal (major) Shoulders, Triceps, Chest, Low Back, Obliques (secondary)

Lie Back on mat face up. Hold DB (not touching mat) behind your head, arms straight. Bend both legs, keep both feet flat on floor/mat. Bring DB over your head to just above chest. Push DB straight up and sit up at the same time. bring DB to waist. Lift both feet. Twist upper torso with DB (touch floor/mat with DB with each twist. Bring DB back to chest level, lower feet to floor and proceed back to start position with DB behind your head. 

(Manual Speed Protocol)

12 pound DB x 10 reps


Exercise #4


Muscles Worked: Core (major), Shoulders (secondary)

Start out in a front plank position with DB between forearms. Keep feet shoulder width apart. Lift DB with right arm and extend it out to the right side fully extending arm. Bring it back to between forearms and repeat movement on left side.

(Manual Speed Protocol)

10 pound DB x 10 reps each side


Exercise #5

Stir the Pot

Muscles worked: Core (major), Shoulders, Triceps, Glutes (secondary)

Start kneeling on mat. Place both hands on top of swiss ball. Push ball forward on floor/mat while lowering body. Keep arms straight and body straight from shoulders to ankles. Do not keep butt in air. 

Rotate swiss ball on mat clockwise for 10 reps, then switching counter clockwise for 10 reps.




Upper Back

Exercise #1

Chin Up (No assistance)

Muscles Worked: Lats (major) Upper Rhomboids, Biceps, shoulders (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

4 reps


Exercise #2

Assisted Chin Up

(Manual Speed Protocol)

80 pounds x 15 reps (wide grip, overhand)


Exercise #3

Cable Row

Muscles Worked: Upper Rhomboids (major) Lats, Biceps, shoulderts (secondary)

Keep back straight throughout

(Six Shooter Protocol)

85 pounds x 12 reps


Exercise #4

Cable Pull Down

Muscles Worked: Lats (major) Upper Rhomboids, Biceps, shoulders (secondary)

Use wide grip, overhand

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

70 pounds x 35 second hold at chin level

70 pounds x 7 reps

70 pounds x 35 seond hold at chin level


Exercise #5

DB Pullover

Muscles Worked: Lats (major) Serratus, abs, shoulders (secondary)

Lie face up on bench perpendicular. Keep elbows locked in the bent position throughout. The lower you keep your hips the more stretch you will get across your seratus, lats, abs and shoulders.

(Manual Speed Protocol)

40 pound DB x 15 reps



Exercise #1

Smith Machine Shoulder Press

Muscles Worked: Deltoids, (major) Triceps, abs (secondary)

Use a bench and adjust to vertical (ninety degrees)

Grip bar 1 fist wider than shoulder width.

Bring bar down to just below chin.

Keep low back straight throughout, do not arch.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

Load 40 pounds to bar x 12 reps


Exercise #2

Seated DB Side Raise

Muscles Worked: Deltoids, (major) Triceps, abs (secondary)

Keep arms straight throughout.

Keep back flat, do not arch.

(Seven Up Set Protocol)

8 pound DB's x 35 second hold (ear level)

8 pound DB's x 7 reps

8 pound DB's x 35 second hold (ear level)


Exercise #3

DB Rear Deltoid Fly On Incline Bench

Muscles Worked: Posterior Deltoids (major) Triceps (secondary)

Position you body face down on bench.

1 knee on, 1 leg off for support.

Keep arms straight throughout.

Lift arms until parallel to floor on each rep at top of movement.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

3 pound DB's x 12 reps


Exercise #4

Cable Upright Row

Muscles Worked: Anterior Deltoids (major, Traps (secondary)

Grip bar narrow. Keep bar close to body throughout.

Lift bar to just underneath chin level. 

Elbows should be higher than wrists.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

35 pounds x 12 reps


Exercise #5

Kettlebell Overhead Press Elbow to Knee

Muscles Worked: Medial Deltoid (major), Obliques, Core, Triceps (secondary)

Make sure your arm is locked out in the straight position at top of each repetition.

Bring elbow down to touch knee at bottom of movement each repetition.

Manual Speed Protocol

18 pound KB x 15 reps each side


Low Back

Exercise #1

Kettlebell Vertical Clean

Muscles Worked: Legs, Low Back (major), Core, shoulder, bicep (secondary)

Space Feet Shoulder Width apart

Position KB between feet

Grip KB palm facing you

Lift (do not muscle the KB) with legs mostly and bring KB to the rack position at chest level.

Lower KB  (do not muscle) to starting position touching floor at bottom of movement each repetition.

35 pound KB x 10 repetition each side.


Exercise #2

DB Dead Lift

Muscles Worked: Low Back (major), Shoulders, Hamstrings (secondary)

Keep knees locked in the bent position throughout. 

Keep arms straight throughout

(Manual Speed Protocol)

30 pound DB's x 15 reps


Exercise #3

Opposite Arm/Opposite Leg Lift

Muscles Worked: Low Back, Core (major), Glutes, Hamstrings, Shoulders (secondary)

Position Body on mat face down arms straight , kneeling

Lift right arm (straight) out in front while lifting left leg (straight) behind you at the same time., pause.

Lower right arm and left leg while touching right elbow to left knee.

(Six Shooter Protocol)

0 pounds x 12 reps

Progress to ankle and wrist weights


Exercise #4

Hyper Extension

Muscles Worked: Low Back (major), Hamstrings (secondary)

(Use hyper extension device)

(Six Shooter Protocol)

0 pounds x 12 reps



Stretching may be executed before, during or after training. You may also stretch on a separate day, in between progressive weight training days.


Supine (face up) Scorpion on Floor

Muscles Stretched: Low Back, Hips, Shoulders, Obliques

Start with arms out to the side, right leg straight in the air, left left straight on the floor. Lower (15 second count) the right leg down to the left hand. Switch. Hold the last rep for an additional ten seconds at the bottom of the movement. x 3 reps each side


Prone (face down) Scorpion

Muscles Stretched: Low Back, Obliques, Shoulders

Start with arms out to the side, right leg bent 90 degrees, left left straight on the floor. Lift (10 second count) the right leg and try to touch the left hand. Switch. Hold the last rep for an additional ten seconds at the bottom of the movement. x 3 reps each side


Floor Bridge Knee Hug/Bridge Straight Leg

Muscles Stretched: Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Glutes

Start face up on mat, bridge, bring right knee in toward chest, hold 5 seconds. Release and touch hips to the floor. Bridge to a right straight leg, pull behind knee toward chest, hold 5 seconds, release touch and switch. x 3 each side.


Right Knee Hug/Left Ankle Grab

Muscles Stretched: Hip Flexors, Glutes, Quads

Balance on left leg, grab right knee and pull up to chest, release, balance on right leg, grab left ankle, pull leg up to glute keeping knees together (hold each movement for 5 seconds) x 3 each side


Standing Toe Swipes

Muscles Stretched: Hamstrings

Step with straight right leg out in front of left leg, bend left leg, reach down try to touch floor and swipe the right foot (hamstring) switch/Lateral Lunge After swiping both legs/toes, place hands in the fieldgoal position and side lunge to each side. Repeat. x 8 reps


Hurdle, Butterfly, Straight Leg, Split

Hold each position 5 seconds.

Muscles Stretched: Hamstrings, Low Back, Inner Thigh, Shoulders


Seated on a mat, get into a right leg hurdle position (right leg straight, left leg bent, left foot on inside of inner thigh. Reach out and touch right toe with both hands. 


Do the same for the left leg.


Butterfly. Seated on mat, Bend both legs and bring both feet into your groin/inner thigh area with the bottoms of you feet facing each other. Drive you knees to the floor while reaching out over your feet.


Straight Leg. Seated on the floor, legs straight, toes pointed up, reach out and touch both toes with both hands.


Split. Seated on mat, both legs separated as far as you can separate, reach out and touch each toe with each hand at the same time. 


Monster Kick.

Muscles Stretched: Hamstrings, Low Back, Shoulders

Kick right leg as high as you can straight out in front keeping leg straight. Swing right arm at the same time as  the right leg and touch right foot with right hand. Repeat with right leg/left arm. Repeat with right leg/ both arms.

Switch to Left Leg, left arm. Left leg right arm. Left Leg both arms


Hip Stretch #1

Muscles Stretched: Hips, Glutes

Sit on mat, right leg straight and out in front. Lift left ankle over right knee. Pull left knee into right shoulder. Hold 20 seconds. Switch.


Hip Stretch

Muscles Stretched:Hips, Glutes

Sit on mat. Bend right leg and bring right foot in towards groin. Lift left leg and bring left ankle over right knee.

Push left knee down towards floor. Hold 20 seconds. Switch.


Dave Bru 10/3/16

Legs, Triceps, Obliques

Use the following protocols for the exercises listed unless noted otherwise. You may perform the exercises in the order listed.


POSITIVELY NEGATIVE set whereby first 5 reps are lifted in a 10 second concentric (push or pull) followed by a “normal speed” (2 second count) eccentric (resistance) rep. After completing half the number (5) reps they are performed vise versa.


MANUAL SPEED SET whereby reps are performed in a controlled speed (2 second count push or pull), 2 second resist.

Remember to keep back straight (do not arch) on all movements when you are lying down or supported on a back rest. 


Perform each exercise 2x



Exercise #1

Hip Abductor on Floor/Mat (Side Lying)

Muscles worked: Glutes, Outer Thigh

Lie side plank (right side down first) position on mat. Keep the left leg straight, bend the right leg 90 degrees. Lift left leg up as high as your flexibility allows. Lower to starting position not touching floor throughout. Important to keep left leg straight and body stabilized in side plank position throughout. Switch legs after set. Progress to ankle weights when you are ready.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

0 pounds x 10 reps


Exercise #2

Supine (face up) Hip Adductor on Mat

Muscles worked: Inner Thighs, Low Abs

Lie face up on mat, arms out to the side, palms down. Left both legs straight up above chest, keep straight throughout. Separate legs simultaneously as far as your flexibility allows. Return to starting position. After set, switch legs. Progress to ankle weights when you are ready.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

0 pounds x 10 reps 


Exercise #3

Good Mornings (Standing)

Muscles worked: Hamstrings, Low Back

Stand up with barbell supported on trap muscle behind neck. Do not rest bar on the bone (spine) behind neck. Slightly bend legs (keep locked in bent position throughout). Lower your upper torso forward as far as your flexibility allows. You should feel your hamstring muscle engaged (if you feel your low back engaged, adjust the bend in your legs. The straighter the leg, the more hamstring). Return to the starting position. 

(Positively Negative Protocol)

25 pound bar x 10 reps


Exercise #4

Kettlebell Figure 8 Pass Thru

Muscles worked: Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes, Core

Stand feet shoulder width apart. Hold KB with right hand. Hold handle on the curved part of the handle. Squat down toward floor and bring the KB thru and under the left leg and exchanging the grip on the KB from your right hand to left hand. Stand. Squat down toward floor and bring the KB thru and under your right leg and exchanging the grip on the KB from your left hand to right hand. Stand. Repeat.

(Manual Speed Protocol)

30 reps (15 figure 8’s)



Exercise #1

Standing Cable Push Down

Muscles worked: Triceps, Core

Use a solid handle or a rope. Keep elbows back and by your torso at all times. Do not lift forearms past parallel to floor.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

25 pounds x 10 reps (solid handle)


Exercise #2

Barbell Head Crusher on Flat Bench

Muscles worked: Triceps

Make sure elbows are held close, keep arm straight from elbow to shoulder throughout.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

25 pound bar + 10 pounds x 10 reps


Exercise #3

Seated Behind the neck Kettlebell Overhead Press

Muscles Worked: Triceps, Shoulders

Hold (1) kettlebell above your head (top position), elbows  close to your head. Lower KB to behind your neck. Return to top position.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

18 pound KB x 10 reps


Exercise #4

Close Grip Tricep Press on Smith Machine

Muscles worked: Triceps

Lie face up on flat bench. Position bench so bar is at sternum level when at lowest position. Keep elbows close throughout. Grip bar close grip.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

40 pound’s x 10 reps (Bar weighs 25 pounds, Load (4) ten pound plates.



Exercise #1

Side Lift on Captain’s Chair

Muscles worked: External obliques, shoulders, triceps

Hang with legs elevated on Captain’s Chair. Bend and Lift both legs up and try to touch the handles your hands are holding on to. One side at a time.

(Manual Speed Protocol)

0 pounds x 15 reps each side

Progress to holding a small dumbbell between feet or use ankle weights.


Exercise #2

Standing Cable Rotation

Muscles worked: External Obliques, Abs, Shoulders

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Position body away from pulling point. Hold handle of pulling weight with both hands. Keep arms extended and out in front of torso at waist height at all times. Rotate from waist up.

(Manual Speed Protocol)

20 pound’s x 15 reps each side reps


Exercise #3

Side to Side Kettlebell Extension on Mat

Muscles worked: External Obliques

Seated on mat, legs elevated and bent (counter balance your body on mat, hold KB at waist, touch KB to each side on the floor push KB overhead. Legs stay bent and elevated throughout. 

(Manual Speed Protocol)

18 pound KB x 15 reps each way


Exercise #4

Lateral Drops (Supine Position) Face up on mat

Muscles worked: Obliques, Abs, Inner Thigh

Arms out to the side, palms down. Legs in Air (keep straight)

Drop 1 leg at a time down to the side, follow with the other leg. Do not touch floor. Switch sides. Drop both legs down in front, all reps 4 count down, 2 count up

6 reps



Walking Inch Worms

Start in a front plank position. Keep legs straight and arms straight shoulder width. Walk legs (keep straight) up to hands in 1 inch steps. When you reach the point where you cannot perform any more without bending legs, stop. Walk hands forward all the way to the original plank position. 5 reps


Dave Bru 10-18-16

Chest, Biceps, Abs


Use the following protocols for the exercises listed unless noted otherwise. You may perform the exercises in the order listed.

POSITIVELY NEGATIVE set whereby first 5 reps are lifted in a 10 second concentric (push or pull) followed by a “normal speed” (2 second count) eccentric (resistance) rep. After completing half the number (5) reps they are performed vise versa.

TIC-TAC-TOE-Single set whereby a single rep consists of alternating one right and left iso-lateral rep (TIC & TAC) immediately followed by a bilateral rep (TOE).

MANUAL SPEED SET whereby reps are performed in a controlled speed (2 second count push or pull), 2 second resist.


Remember to keep back straight (do not arch) on all movements when you are lying down or supported on a back rest. 





Exercise #1

Flat Free Weight Chest Press (use the multi purpose rack, use a flat bench, adjust height of safety spotter and bar bracket accordingly)

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), Triceps, Abs, Shoulders (secondary)

Use the line on the bar to space hands. Wide place index finger to start. This is the most difficult push point. Narrow is small finger on line. Use this for heavier load. Keep elbos back throughout. Bar should land just above chest, no lower than nipples.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

Load 10 pounds to bar (bar is 45 pounds) x 10 reps


Exercise #2

Incline Bench DB Press

(Tic, Tac, Toe Protocol)

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), Serratus, Abs, Shoulders (secondary)

15 pound DB’s x 6 reps  


Exercise #3

Incline Bench Cable Fly

Use the Multi Purpose Cable Machine. Set pulley system low. Use a bench and set incline to 45 degrees. Keep elbows locked in the bent position throughout.

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), Triceps, Abs, Shoulders (secondary)

(Positively Negative Protocol)

20 pounds each side x 10 reps


Exercise #4

Push Up

(Positively Negative Protocol)

Muscles worked: Pecs (major), triceps, shoulders (secondary)

Keep elbows out, wide hand placement on floor.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

No weight x 10 reps (Progress to placing a weight on your back)



Exercise #1

Seated (E-Z Curl or straight Bar) Preacher Bicep Curl

Muscles worked: Biceps (major), Core, shoulders (secondary)

Use a shoulder width grip on bar. Adjust seat so arms are flat on bench from elbow to arm pit.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

Load 10 pounds to bar x 10 reps


Exercise #2

Standing Cable Bicep Curl (Use Multi Purpose Cable Machine)

Muscles worked: Biceps (major), Core, Shoulders (secondary)

Hold Bar attachment palms up, shoulder width. 

Keep elbows back throughout, full extension at bottom of movement on each rep, squeeze bicep at top of movement each rep.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

25 pounds x 10 reps


Exercise #3

Incline Bench DB Curl (Prone position)

Muscles Worked: Biceps (major), Core, Shoulders (secondary)

Position Bench 45 degrees. Lie down/kneel on bench in the Prone (chest down) position. 

Extend arms fully each time at bottom of movement. Keep elbows back throughout. Hold DB’s palms up.

(Tic, Tac, Toe Protocol)

10 pound DB’s x 6 reps


Exercise #4

Kneeling, standing or seated Double Arm Cable Curl (Use Multi Purpose Cable Machine) Adjust pulley when kneeling to a height that permits full range of motion and weight is not touching weight stack when performing. Keep arm straight from elbow to shoulder throughout.

Muscles worked: Biceps

(Positively Negative Protocol)

10 pounds x 10 reps each arm



Exercise #1

Kneeling Cable Crunch (Use Multi Purpose Cable Machine). Adjust pulley system to highest position, use rope attachment. Kneel keeping legs straight from knee to hip. Hold rope with both hands above head (do not support hands on head). Pull and lower body from waist up toward floor.

Muscles worked: Middle Abdominal (major), Triceps, Shoulders, Low Back (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

50 pounds x 15 reps


Exercise #2

Floor/Mat Three Position Crunch

Muscles worked: Low Abdominal (major), Low Back (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Lie down on mat face up. Cross over right knee with left ankle. Place right hand loosely behind neck. Do not pull on neck. Raise body up off mat and touch right elbow to left knee. Switch after 15 reps. After performing each side, bring both knees into chest and elevate feet. Place both hands behind neck. Again do not pull on neck. Raise body up off mat and touch both elbows to both knees.

45 total reps (Progress to wrist weights)


Exercise #3


Single Leg Bridge/Abdominal Crunch

Muscles worked: Middle Abdominal (major) Glutes (secondary)

Lie face up on mat, bridge. Elevate right leg next to left knee. Keep right leg straight throughout. Reach out with left arm/hand and try to touch right foot. After 15 reps, Switch. After 30 reps, bridge off both legs and reach out with both arms/hands over both knees.

45 total reps


Dave Bru 10-27-16




Use the following protocols for the exercises listed unless noted otherwise. You may perform the exercises in the order listed.


POSITIVELY NEGATIVE set whereby first 5 reps are lifted in a 10 second concentric (push or pull) followed by a “normal speed” (2 second count) eccentric (resistance) rep. After completing half the number (5) reps they are performed vise versa.


TIC-TAC-TOE-Single set whereby a single rep consists of alternating one right and left iso-lateral rep (TIC & TAC) immediately followed by a bilateral rep (TOE).


MANUAL SPEED SET whereby reps are performed in a controlled speed (2 second count push or pull), 2 second resist.


Remember to keep back straight (do not arch) on all movements when you are lying down or supported on a back rest. 


Upper Back

Exercise #1

Inverted Row (use the smith, adjust height of bar about sternum level)

Muscles worked: Upper Rhomboids, Latissimus Dorsi (major), Biceps, Abs, Shoulders, Trapezius (secondary)

Use the line on the bar to space hands. Wide grip overhand, place small finger on line to start. You can adjust hand grip (over/under) and spacing (wide/narrow) if you want. Wide is the most difficult pull point. Keep elbows back throughout. Bar should land just above nipples and just below chin.

(Positively Negative Protocol)

10 reps (Progress by lowering bar when you have mastered the first set)


Exercise #2

Standing Bent Over Row (use smith machine)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Muscles worked:  Upper Rhomboids, Latissimus Dorsi (major), Biceps, Low Back, Shoulders, Trapezius, Quads (secondary)

Start by standing with quads against the bar, feet shoulder width apart. Grab bar with an underhand shoulder width grip. Bend legs and slightly lean upper torso over bar and lower the weight until arms fully extended. Your upper torso should be at a 45 degree angle. It is vitally important to let your legs support this angle and weight, not your low back. Stay in this locked position for the duration of the exercise. Lift bar up to the sternum keeping elbows back and looking forward, head raised.

Load 20 pounds x15 reps



Exercise #3

Dumbbell Row from front Plank Position

Muscles worked:  Upper Rhomboids, Latissimus Dorsi, Core (major), Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Trapezius (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Start in a front straight arm plank position with hands on DB’s and feet shoulder width apart. Keep body straight from neck to ankle. Pull one DB up keeping elbow back while supporting body on opposing straight arm. Do not turn body.

(2) 15 pound DB’s x 15 reps each side


Exercise #4

Seated High Row (use multi cable device, use narrow grip handle)

Muscles worked: Upper Rhomboids, Latissimus Dorsi (major), Biceps, Low Back, Shoulders, Trapezius (secondary)

(Positively Negative Protocol)

Adjust cable pulley system all the way to the top position.

Sit on floor with legs slightly bent and supported on base of device. Bring handle all the way in to just below chin, extend to a full stretch all the way back.

60 pounds x 10 reps

Exercise #5

Double Dumbbell Row on Incline Bench

Muscles worked: Upper Rhomboids, Latissimus Dorsi (major), Biceps, Shoulders, Trapezius (secondary)

(Tic Tac Toe Protocol)

Position Bench to Incline position (about 30 degrees) Kneel on bench face down with one or both knees (find your comfort level & balance). Chest should be at top of bench with your head/neck not supported looking down. Start exercise with Row movement.

20 pound DB’s x 6-8 reps




Exercise #1

Seated Dumbbell Press

Muscles worked: Medial Deltoids (major), Triceps (secondary)

(Tic Tac Toe Protocol)

Use a seated bench with back rest. Keep back straight and against back rest. Do not arch. Do not bring DB’s past ears.

15 pound DB’s  x 6-8 reps


Exercise #2

Seated Dumbbell Front Raise on Incline Bench

Muscles worked: Anterior Deltoids (major), Bicep Tendon (secondary)

(Tic Tac Toe Protocol)

Adjust incline bench to 45 degrees. Hold DB’s keeping arms straight throughout. Extend arms all the way back as far as your flexibility allows each rep. Bring arms up to just above parallel to floor.

5 pound DB’s x 6-8 reps


Exercise #3

Cable Side Raise (use multi purpose device)

Muscles Worked: Medial/Anterior Deltoids (major), Triceps, Core (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Position cable pulley system to lowest setting on both sides. Use a cross over reverse grip on handles. Keep arms straight throughout. Start with both handles in front of your torso, just below waist. Raise arms out to side to just above ears. Return to start position.

10 pound’s each side x 15 reps


Exercise #4

Cable Rear Deltoid Fly (use multi purpose device)

Muscles Worked: Posterior Deltoids (major), Triceps, Core (secondary)

(Manual Speed Protocol)

Position cable pulley system to highest setting on both sides. Use a cross over reverse grip on handles. Keep arms straight throughout. Start with both handles in front of your face. Extend arms out to side as far as you can go. Return to start position.

10 pound’s each side x 15 reps


Exercise #5

Kettlebell Double Bottom Up Swing Clean/Press

Muscles worked: Anterior & Medial Deltoids (major), Core, Triceps (secondary)

Manual Speed Protocol for the Press only

(2) 10 pound KB’s x 15 reps



Low Back

Exercise #1

Kettlebell Dead Lift

Muscles worked: Lower Back, (major), Hamstrings, Glutes, Upper Back (secondary)

Start with KB on the floor in front of you. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, with your toes slightly turned out. Squat down and pick up the KB, then stand up and drive through your heels, keeping your chest up and back straight. Squeeze your butt at the top and return all the way back to the ground until the KB lands at your feet

50 pound KB x 15 reps


Exercise #2

Single Arm Kettlebell Swing

Muscles worked: Low Back, Hamstrings, Cardio (major), Shoulders (secondary)

12kg x 20 swings


Exercise #3

No protocol

Bottom Position  Tactical Get Up

Lie down on floor. Right arm straight up, right leg bent, right foot flat on floor. Left arm out to the side palm down.

Push off left arm and lift body straight up to a seated position. Keep right arm straight throughout (look at left fist).

Lift body up off floor and bring left leg back behind your torso (do not drag). Keep body lifted and bring left leg back to the original position. Lower body back to floor. Switch.

10 reps each side


Exercise #4

Manual Speed Protocol

Standing Roll Out (use multi cable device)

Make sure weight is stacked full and cable pulley systems are at the top most setting. Keep arms straight and lower hips and body forward until you feel arch in back. Use your abs to pull back to start.

10-15 reps

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