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Flat Bench Chest Press (Kettlebells hanging)

45 pound bar + (2) 17.5 pound KB’s

Total 85 pounds 12/12 protocol 5 sets



Trap Bar Dead Lift

85 pound bar + (2) 45 pound weight plate

Total 175 pounds x 5 reps (5 sets)


Inch worm/Concrete Ball walk it out

5 sets of 5 Walk Outs


Sled Push/Pull

Load 180 pounds (5 sets)


Club Rotations

(2) 4 pound clubs x 8 reps (5 sets)


Single Arm Bent over DB Row

30 pound DB x 12 reps each side (5 sets)


Dead Lift/Curl/Overhead Press

50 pounds x 8 reps (5 sets)


Halo on Hurdle (5 sets)

5 reps R. leg

5 reps L. leg

5 reps both legs


Standing Shoulder Press 

Adjust Bar on rack at eye level

Press overhead

50 pounds x 8 reps (5 sets)



INCREASING/DECREASING QUARTERS- Single set that begins lifting load to fully contracted position. It is proceeded by lowering the load eccentrically to ¾, ½, ¼ ranges of motion a and lifted back to the fully contracted position. Reverse the direction for INCREASING QUARTERS. All rep speed is 2 count push/pull, 4 count resist. 4-6 reps upper body. 6-8 reps lower body.


Swiss Ball Squat (Legs)

No weight




Barbell Chest Press (Free weight)

50 pounds




Wide Lat Cable Pulldown (Upper Back)

70 pounds




Incline Bench Barbell Curl (Biceps)

Position Bench 30 degree angle (Face Down, chest at top of bench)

25 pounds




Cable Push Down (Triceps)

Use straight or Angled Bar Attachment

60 pounds




Straight Leg Lift on Floor/Mat (Low Abs)

No weight




Cable Torso Rotation (Obliques/Core)

30 pounds 






Standing or Seated Arnold DB Shoulder Press

Start with DB's at ear level, palms facing inward toward yourself.

Press both DB's at one time overhead twisting 180 degrees finishing the press with palms facing outward away from yourself.

(2) 8 pound DB's x 15 Manual Speed Reps


Decline Sit Up

On decline bench, anchor one leg in the bench and one leg out. If there is no decline bench to use, you may perform these on the floor/mat with one foot wedged under a heavy DB.

Keep the knee that is out stationary throughout exercise.

Start with both hands behind your head. Lift up/sit up and touch R. elbow to knee that is out followed by left elbow to same knee. After 8-10 reps, switch to other leg/knee.


Tactical Get UP

Start on floor with right arm straight (Right arms stays straight for the entirety of the movement) and over chest. Bend right leg, left arm out to the side. 

Push off left hand and right foot and elevate body upwards. Bridge. Bring left foot back behind your body and kneel with left knee on floor. Push off left hand until you are now in a Kneeling lunge position with back straight. Stand by pushing off right heel and left toe. Step forward with left leg. Both feet are now next to each other. Right arm is still straight and pointed overhead. It is a good idea to look at the weight you are holding overhead to make sure it is straight and pointed upwards.

Step back with left leg. Kneel. Lean to the left with left hand on the floor. Bridge. Bring left leg forward. Sit and lower back to starting position withright leg bent and left arm out to the left.

(1) 10 pound DB or KB x 6 reps each side.





Pause Rep Protocol

Upper Body 4-6 reps

Lower Body 8-10 reps


All 2 count push/pull, 4 count resist.

Hold each rep for the number rep you are performing in the most challenging position. 


Example: cable pull downs

2 count down to the chin, hold for the rep number you are on, 4 count resist.



Personal Best's June 2018

Push Ups

Wide hand placement

Feet shoulder width

Body straight from neck to ankle

Chest should be forward in line from hand to hand

Number to beat 61


Exercises to strengthen Chest

2 minute Push Up Hold

Arms locked in the bent position


Smith Machine Incline Chest Press

Pause Reps

Load 25 pounds to bar x 6 reps


Sit Ups

80 reps (not timed)


75 reps in 2 minutes


Exercise to strengthen abs

Decline Sit Up

Pause Rep Protocol

8 reps


Pull Ups

Wide hand grip

Try to extend arms all the way down each rep. This will stretch/engage the lat muscle mor.

12 reps



14 reps

6 reps with 10 pound jacket


Exercise to strengthen Lats for Pull Ups

Wide Cable Pull Downs

Pause Rep Protocol

Sit facing away from machine

60 pounds x 6 reps










Walking Inch Worms

Start in a front plank position. Keep legs straight and arms straight shoulder width apart. Walk feet (keep straight) up to hands using 1 inch steps. When you reach the point where you cannot perform any more without bending legs, stop. Walk hands forward all the way to the original plank position. 5 reps


Weight Training

Single/Double Joint 12/12's



Dumbbell Chest Press

Manual Speed Protocol

(2) 20 pound DB's

3 consecutive sets, not stopping


Hold R. DB fully engaged (halfway) while Pressing L. DB x 12 reps

Hold both DB's fully engaged (halfway) x 12 seconds




Hold L. DB fully engaged (halfway) while Pressing R. DB x 12 reps

Hold both DB's fully engaged (halfway) x 12 seconds


Right into


Pressing both DB's x 12 reps

Hold both DB's fully engaged (halfway) x 12 seconds


Upper Back

DumbBell Row on Incline Bench

Face Down on Bench

(2) 15 pound DB's

3 consecutive sets, not stopping


Hold R. DB fully engaged (all the way up) while Pulling L. DB x 12 reps

Hold both DB's fully engaged (all the way up) x 12 seconds




Hold L. DB fully engaged (all the way up) while Pulling R. DB x 12 reps

Hold both DB's fully engaged (all the way up) x 12 seconds


Right into


Pulling both DB's x 12 reps

Hold both DB's fully engaged (all the way up) x 12 seconds



Standing DB Side Raise



Standing Cable or DB Curl


Standing Tricep Cable Push Down or DB Head Crusher


Bent Knee Raise or Straight Leg Lift on Captains Chair








1 ¼ REP SETS - Single set that begins by lifting load to fully contracted position (2 count push or pull). It is proceeded by lowering the load eccentrically ¼ of the ROM (4 count resist) lifted back to the fully contracted position (2 count push or pull) and lowering the load (4 count resist) back to the starting position.

You may also perform this movement starting with 1/4 rep first.




Leg Press 90 pounds x 8 reps

Smith Machine Chest Press Load 20 pounds to bar x 6 reps

Cable Pull Down 50 pounds x 6 reps

Smith Machine Shoulder Press Load 10 pounds to bar x 6 reps

Bicep Barbell Curl 30 pounds x 6 reps


Tricep Push Down (7-4-7 Protocol) 

62 pounds x 7 reps

70 pounds x 4 reps

62 pounds x 7 reps



Single arm Rotation 

20 pounds x 8 reps (Middle x 8, High x 8, Low x 8)


Decline Sit Ups

0 pounds x 6 reps


Hyper Extension

0 pounds x 6 reps







Will, here is a explanation of the two movements you can do on your own. Exercise #1 works triceps.

Exercise #2 works Lats/upper back.


Exercise #1

Tricep Head Crusher 

Lie down on bench long way. Hold DB's directly over chest. Bend arms from elbow to hand and lower to side of head. Important to keep elbows together and arm vertical from shoulder to elbow. 


Positively Negative Protocol

(2) 10 pound DB's 10 count push, 2 count resist x 5 reps

(2) 10 pound DB's 2 count push, 10 count resist x 5 reps


Exercise #2

Dumbbell Pullover on Flat Bench for Lats/Upper Back

Lie down on bench perpendicular to bench with your head and shoulders supported on bench. Hold Dumbbell over chest. Lower DB back and behind your head as far as your flexibility allows while keeping your elbows locked in the bent position throughout. Lower your hips for more stretch along abs and lats. Important to remember if you straighten arms at any point during exercise you will feel the movement in the triceps. Keeping arms locked in bent position will engage lats. Bring DB back to starting position, over chest. You may perform this movement with two DB’s or 1.


Positively Negative Protocol

(1) DB - 25 pounds, 10 count push, 2 count resist x 5 reps

(1) DB - 25 pounds, 2 count push, 10 count resist x 5 reps



(2) DB’s - 10 pound each, 10 count push, 2 count resist x 5 reps

(2) DB's - 10 pound each, 2 count push, 10 count resist x 5 reps




Push up on 3 Step Risers

1 step low, 1 step high, 1 step low


Kettel Bell Lunge on Slant Board or Incline Bench

17 1/2 pound KB's x 10 each side

Split Lunge on Slant Board or Incline Bench

17 1/2 pound KB's x 10 each side


TRX Single Arm Row/Hanging Rotation

You may use Smith Machine Bar in lieu of TRX

15 reps each side


Standing DB Side Raise/Cross Over Under

4 pound DB's x 15 reps (Regular Speed)


Clean/Overhead Push Press 

45 pound plate x 10 reps



New Exercises


KETTLE BELL Curl on Incline Bench

(2) 10 or 12 pound KB's

Use a Bottom Up Grip

Positively Negative Protocol x 10 reps

Fab Five Protocol x 6 reps


KETTLE BELL Head Crushers

(2) 10 or 12 pound KB's 

Use a Bottom Up Grip

Positively Negative Protocol x 10 reps

Fab Five Protocol x 6 reps


Medicine Ball Squat with MB's on Shoulders

(2) 20 pound MB's x 15 reps



Rope Bicep Curl with 30 pound Kettle Bell

12 reps (Full Extension, Keep back straight)


Low Abdominal Kick Outs and Straight Leg Lifts

15 reps each

Use straps if available to hang from. If not, find a Chin Up Bar and hang without

straps. If you have wrist straps use them to strap wrists to chin up bar.


Rope Slams

Single Arm and Double Arm x 45 seconds


30 pound Kettle Bell two arm swing x 45 seconds


Single Arm Flat Bench Dumbbell Chest Press with opposite leg elevated

20 pound Dumbbell x 20 reps each side


Stiff Arm Pullover on floor face up

Use rope attachment and 12/12 protocol (12 second regular speed reps/hold last rep 12 seconds.

40 pounds x 5 sets


Band Chest Flys

Straight Arm

12/12 Protocol


IT Band Stretch

Lie down on mat on right side. Grab left ankle (not foot) with left hand. Lift left knee up then touch left foot to floor behind your right leg. Lift your right leg and place right foot on top of left knee. Push down towards floor. Hold 30 seconds. Switch.


IT Band Foam Roll x 45 seconds each leg



Partial Range Rep Set

16 total reps. All 2 count push/pull,

4 count resist







Smith Machine Chest Press (Flat Bench or Incline - Use both alternate)

Load 25 pounds to bar x 16 reps


Wide Cable Pull Down (You may also change grip to underhand shoulder with - Use bote alternate)

50 pounds x 16 reps


Single Leg Straight Leg Dead Lift

Manual Speed Protocol

15 pound DB x 12 reps each leg

Hold each rep for 5 second count at bottom of movement.

If you touch floor with Dumbbell, stand on a "step riser" for more range of motion


Dumbbell Concentration Curl

Manual Speed Protocol

10 pound DB x 10 reps

15 pound DB x 10 reps

10 pound DB x 10 reps


Overhead KettleBell Tricep Extension

Manual Speed Protocol

15 pound KB x 10 reps

20 pound KB x 10 reps

15 pound KB x 10 reps




Single set whereby reps are performed

iso-laterally while the opposing limb is being

held isometrically for the ten second negative

alternating between left and right limbs.


You can incorporate the following exercises into this protocol.


Flat Bench DB Chest Press (2) 20 pound DB's x 6-8 reps


Dual Cable Stiff Arm Pull Down - 20 pounds each side x 6 reps


Standing Dual Cable Curl - 15 pounds each side x 6 reps (Superset with 15 Pound

DB Concentration Curls to failure)


Standing Dual Cable Tricep Push Down - 15 pounds each side

(Superset with 30 pound Kettlebell Overhead Tricep Extension)


Smith Machine Chest Press

10 count push, 10 count resist Protocol (Use Next Flex Timer App)

Load 10 pounds to bar x 10 reps


Partial Range Rep Set Protocol

All reps 2 count Push, 4 count Resist

4 reps full

4 reps half up

4 reps half down

4 reps full

Load 10 pounds to bar


30 Second Slo Mo Protocol

15 secound Push, 15 second resist x 1 rep

2 count push, 4 count resist x 6 reps

15 second push, 15 second resist x 1 rep

Load 10 pounds to bar


Seven Up Set Protocol




30 pound bar, Hold 35 seconds half way up

30 pound bar, 4 count resist, 2 count push x 7 reps

30 pound bar, Hold 35 seconds half way up



Cable Push Down

25 pounds, Hold 35 seconds with arms parallel to floor, keep elbows back.

25 pounds 2 count push, 4 count resist x 7 reps

25 pounds, Hold 35 seconds with arms parallel to floor, keep elbows back.


Strength Training Overload Protocols

Resistance Guidelines

Strength Training: The Right Way

The goal of the strength training program will be to develop overall muscular strength potentials that is safe, sound, sensible, systematic and applicable to your fitness goals.


Begin each set with a goal to complete the number of repetitions listed. The effort must be increasing for every subsequent repetition.


Each repetition should be performed in a controlled, deliberate manner where the exercise is performed with appropriate level of intensity and with the minimal involvement of momentum.

You should continually contract your target musculature during the raising phase and the lowering phase of each repetition. 

The lowering phase of every repetition should be slower than the raising phase. A suggested guide is to raise the involved limbs up in 1-2 seconds or at a 1-2 count and lower them in 4-5 seconds or a 4-5 count.


Flex the muscle momentarily in the mid-range of each exercise when the muscle is in its “fully contracted position.” Then lower the resistance slowly to the starting position. This is the most difficult way to train; however it is the most productive way to train.


When you are able to complete the exercise in proper form for the prescribed number of repetitions, add the appropriate weight (depending on the difficulty of the exercise) appropriate may be as little as 2.5 pounds, yet not greater than 10 pounds and continue to progress. Never sacrifice quality of lifting form for quantity of weight lifted.

Chart your progression, allow ample time (48 hours) to rest and recover between workouts. 








Swimming Exercises


Flutter Kicks on Swiss Ball (Find the Captains Chair to anchor swiss ball in position)

Prone position (FACE DOWN) , Plank on forearms, forearms below chest and on floor/mat, legs straight and toes pointed and positioned down on top of swiss ball. Kick alternating legs as fast as you can. Keep body straight from neck to ankle.

20 seconds with 2 pound ankle weights on each leg x 3


Straight Leg Roll Outs on Medicine Ball or Foam Roller

Sit on floor, hands by you side. Keep Legs Straight and place ankles on top of medicine ball/foam roller, elevate body off floor with arms and suspend body in air, push medicine ball/foam roller out away from body and pull back in trying to bring chest over knees. x 35 reps (increase 5 reps each workout) 

After 50 reps, progress to ankle weights and start at 20 reps again. 


Supine Position Medicine Ball Extension 

Lie face up on mat, with legs straight and elevated 6 inches off floor throughout. Hold medicine ball 6 inches off floor with both hands behind your head. Bring ball keeping arms straight all the way to your quads. Bring ball back to position behind head. Repeat. 40 reps. (increase 5 reps each workout, after 50 reps, increase size/weight of medicine ball) After 50 reps, progress to ankle weights and start at 20 reps again. 10 pound Medicine Ball


Supine Medicine Ball Toss with Flutter kick.

Lie down face up on mat/floor, flutter kick straight legs 6-8 inches off floor, hold 15 pound medicine ball directly over chest, throw ball up, catch and repeat. x 45 reps with medicine ball. (increase 5 reps each workout) 

After 100 reps, progress to ankle weights and start at 40 reps again. 


Side to Side Medicine Ball Throws.

Seated on mat, legs elevated and bent, hold ball, touch floor side to side, push ball out in front, push ball overhead. Legs stay bent and elevated throughout. x 20 reps (increase 5 reps each workout) After 50 reps, progress to ankle weights and start at 20 reps again. 15 pound Medicine Ball


Kneeling Cable Crossover with Rope attachment

Keep back straight. Keep arms straight and shoulder width apart.

Full extension both ways. Isolate Oblique muscles.

15 pounds x 40 reps each side


Opposite Arm/Opposite Leg touch with ankle and wrist weights

20 reps each side with 2 pound ankle weights on each leg.


Single Leg Alternating Lifts on Mat (Supine) face up

20 reps each leg with 2 pound ankle weights on each leg


Supine Plank Walkouts 

Straight Arm Out to Side  x  9 (increase 1 reps each workout)

Straight Arm Out in Front x 9 (increase 1 reps each workout)


Dumbbell Row

30 pound DB x 30 reps each side

(Progress to 40 reps, then increase weight to 35 pounds x 25 again)


Standing Icarian high Row (Swim Simulator) or use band at Berwyn x 40 reps high, 40 reps low. 

40 pounds x 2 minutes (increase 30 seconds each workout)


Freemotion Machine Front Rotation (Swim Simulator)  or use band at Berwyn x 40 reps high, 40 reps low. 

30 pounds x 2 minutes (increase 30 seconds each workout)


Single Leg Lift Seated on Floor

Flex the toe, keep leg straight throughout, do not touch floor.

45 second hold with ankle weights (all the way up off floor)

7 reps with ankle weights (2 second count up, 4 second count down)

45 second hold with ankle weights (all the way up off floor)

10 pounds ankle weights each leg. 15 reps. Hold each 5th rep 5 seconds.



Prone (Face down on mat) Kick Back

Bend right leg 90 degrees

45 second hold with 10 pounds ankle weights (all the way up off floor as far as you can)

7 reps with ankle weights (2 second count up, 4 second count down)

45 second hold with 10 pounds ankle weights  (all the way up off floor as far as you can)

Switch legs


Bosu Hamstring Curl

50 manual (regular speed reps) glute squeeze x 25 poundss

50 manual (regular speed reps) hamstring curls x 25 pounds

(Progress 5 pounds each workout until 25 pounds)


Airplane/Fieldgoal/Scarecrow/Rotate Both ways/Wings

4 pound DB's x 6 reps (SLOW)


Close Dickersons (Kneeling)

Right, Left, Both Protocol

Freemotion Machine or Dual Pulley Machine

30 pounds x 6-8 reps (progress to 5 pounds more after mastering previous weight denomination with proper form.

2 count push down right, 4 count resist

2 count push down left, 4 count resist

2 count push both, 4 count resist




Standing Roll Out x 15 reps

(Keep arms straight throughout)


Reverse Fly (for rear deltoids) x 15 reps

(Keep arms straight throughout)

Substitute Multi Purpose Cable Device 

5 pounds each weight stack x 20 reps


Single Leg Squat Pull In 

20 reps each leg, progress 5 reps

each workout



(2) Arm Swing

20 pounds (red) x 30 reps


Kettlebell Single Arm Transition Swing

15 pound KB x 30 reps


Captains Chair Flutter Kick

Straight Leg x 20 each way with 1 pound ankle weights


Flutter Kick 

Right, Left, Both with 1 pound ankle weights


Bent Knee Raise/Kickout x 15 with 1 pound ankle weights

(Progress to 50 reps, then 20 pound KB)


Overhead Press/Elbow to Knee

15 pounds x 15 reps with ankle weights



20 pound kettlebell x 10 rotations (alternating) each ways


Dual Cable Straight Leg Kick Back (Glutes)

Use ankle straps

Important not to dip your body forward when performing. Anchor your body using the machine as support device.

15 pounds each side x 20 controlled reps


Dual Cable Straight Leg Front Kick (Hip Flexors, Quads, Low Abs)

Anchor your body using the machine as support device.

Flex Toe throughout.

10 pounds each side x 20 reps


Will 11/3/16

Everfit Gym

Swimming Exercises


(*) - Indicates use Gym Next Flex Timer App Program as required

Download on your Phone


Single Arm Power Pull x 20 each side

Crunch to Pike (feet in straps) x 10 each movemen

Single Leg Burpee (foot in  both straps) x 15 each leg

Single Arm Push Up/Row (single strap/hand) x 10 each arm in strap

Single Arm Row/Dumbbell (8 pound) Overhead Press (from floor) 

Single Leg Squat Pull In x 15 each leg


Supine Position Medicine Ball Extension 

Lie face up on mat, with legs straight and elevated 6 inches off floor throughout. Hold medicine ball 6 inches off floor with both hands behind your head. Bring ball keeping arms straight over top of your head and throw against wall. Catch ball and bring ball with arms straight back to position behind head. 

10 pound Medicine Ball x 30 seconds (*) Standard

(increase distance from wall and add 5 seconds each time you execute, after 60 seconds, progress to 12 pound medicine ball)


Side to Side Medicine Ball Throws.

Seated on mat, legs elevated and bent, hold ball, touch floor side to side, throw ball against wall, catch, repeat. Legs stay bent and elevated throughout. 

10 pound Medicine Ball x 30 seconds (*) Standard

(increase distance from wall and add 5 seconds each time you execute, after 60 seconds, progress to 12 pound medicine ball)


Supine Single Arm Medicine Ball Toss

Lie back on mat face up, legs 6 inches off floor, throw ball with one arm, catch with same arm, reach back behind head and repeat with straight single arm. 

4 pound ball x 30 seconds each arm (*) Standard

(increase distance from wall and add 5 seconds each time you execute, after 60 seconds, progress to 6 pound medicine ball)


Supine Plank Walkouts 

Straight Arm Out to Side  x 30 seconds (*) Standard

Straight Arm Out in Front x 30 seconds (*) Standard


Dual Pulley Standing high Row (Swim Simulator) 

40 pounds x 1 minute (*) Standard


Dual Pulley Front Rotation (Swim Simulator)  

40 pounds x 1 minute (*) Standard


Kneeling Leg Kick Back (Glutes)

Attach thigh strap

40 pounds x 30 seconds (*) Standard

(increase time 5 seconds each time you execute, after 60 seconds, increase weight.


(Max Set Protocol)

60 pounds x 1 minute hold

40 pounds x 8 reps


Standing Front Leg Kick (Alternating)

Use ankle straps

10 pounds (each leg) x 30 seconds (*) Standard

(increase time 5 seconds each time you execute, after 60 seconds, increase weight.


Standing Back Leg Kick (Alternating Straight Leg/Bent Knee)

Use ankle straps

20 pounds (each leg) x 30 seconds (*) Standard

(increase time 5 seconds each time you execute, after 60 seconds, increase weight.


Sled Push

(2) plates x 2 lengths


Kneeling Close Dickersons (Dual Pulley)

Rest (5 seconds) is when arms are parallel to floor. If you cannot hold the position, Rest can be when arms are fully extended.

30 pounds each side

(*) Interval Program

Right x 5 seconds, Left x 5 seconds, Both x 5 seconds


(Max Set Protocol)

80 pounds x 1 minute hold

60 pounds x 8 reps


Rope Pull Up x 45 seconds

(*) Standard

(increase time 5 seconds each time you execute, after 60 seconds, put on weighted vest.


Cable Curl

(Max Set Protocol)

80 pounds x 1 minute hold

60 pounds x 8 reps


TRX Single Arm Row/DB Press

10 pound DB x 15 reps each side


Soft Medicine Ball Burpee/Ball Slam (Floor/Wall)

6 pound MB x 15 reps


Fan Bike x 1 minute


Ski Rower x 1 minute

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