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TRX Exercises


(All slow controlled repetitions (feel the muscle on each repetition), Strap Handles will be at 3 positions. 

Position (L)=Long 

Position (S)=Short


Position (E)=Extension


Use the following protocol for the exercises listed unless noted otherwise.

SIX SHOOTERS Set is performed at normal rep whereby every sixth rep the lifter performs a six second concentric/six second eccentric rep.


Squats (both legs) (S) Face wall/door/mirror, lean back, Feet Shoulder Width apart, knees should not cross over toes when squatting. Grip handles palms down, squat down until quads are parallel to floor, keep arms straight and back straight. Muscles worked quads, glutes, hamstrings, core, upper back. 18 REPS

Single Leg Squat Pull In (S) Face wall. Balance on right leg with foot flat on floor, left leg straight and elevated out in front.  Center both handles around right leg/foot. Lower/squat down toward floor (careful not to hyper extend knee) extending arms until straight. Push off right leg to a fully standing position while keeping left leg elevated. You may use upper body to assist with the movement up. Push down on both handles at top of movement to finish rep. Switch legs. 12 REPS each leg


Chest Press (L) Face away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go), grip handles, palms down, wider then shoulder width, lower (slow controlled) your body down toward the floor keeping your body straight from your neck to ankles, when you have reached 90 degrees with your arms bending (no further) push back up to the starting position. Muscles worked, chest, triceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps


Inverted Row (S) Face wall/door/mirror inverted (hanging up) at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go), grip handles palms down, pull yourself up (slow controlled) toward the ceiling/wall keeping your body straight from your neck to ankles and turning your handles inward, when you have reached the top, descend back down to the starting position extending your arms straight on each rep and turning the handles back to palm down position on each rep. Muscles worked upper back, biceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps

Reverse Fly (S) Face wall/door/mirror at a slight angle. Hold handles palms in. Keep arms straight throughout. Start with hands together with your body hanging back slightly. Pull your body up toward wall/mirror/door with hands at face level. When you have reached the top of the movement STOP (DO NOT GO INTO DEAD SPACE). Keep arms straight and descend/resist back to the starting position. Muscles worked posterior deltoids, core, triceps. 12 reps



Bicep Curl (S) Face wall/door/mirror at a slight angle. Hold handles palms up. Start with hands together with your body hanging back slightly. Pull your body up toward wall/mirror/door with hands at face level. Keep arms from elbows to hands parallel to floor always. When you have reached the top of the movement STOP SQUEEZE BICEP (DO NOT GO INTO DEAD SPACE). Resist back to the starting position. Muscles worked biceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps


Overhead Tricep Extension 

(L) Face away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go). Grip handles, palms down, keep arms straight from shoulder to elbow, keep elbows together. Lower (slow controlled) your body down toward the floor bringing your hands to your head (just like a free weight head crusher only you are standing) keeping your body straight from your neck to ankles (keep butt in line with neck and heels), when you have reached your head with the handles, push back up to the starting position. Muscles worked, triceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps


TRX Standing Roll Out

Standing Roll Out (L) Face forward away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, adjust angle as you go). Grip handles, palms down directly across from eye level, keep arms straight from handles to shoulders, keep elbows shoulder width apart. Keep body straight then lower (slow controlled) your hips forward first (slightly arching your lower back). {IMPORTANT TO LOWER HIPS FIRST} Then raise your arms (keep arms straight) up just above above head level,  (slightly arch your lower back), when you have reached your limit on the movement forward (after arching your back), push off handles/arms using your core muscles to bring you back to the starting position. Muscles worked, low back, core, shoulders, triceps. 15 reps


Kneeling Roll Out (L) Place mat below handles. Kneel on mat  facing mirror/wall (this exercise will not work with door attachment) with knees shoulder width apart. Handles remain just in front of your body. Grip handles palms down. Move your body (hips first) down towards floor. Keep arms straight. Extend arms out toward wall/mirror. Make sure hips descend first and not arms. Descend until you can no longer hold yourself up. Use abs and core to pull yourself back to the start position. Muscles worked, low back, core, shoulders, triceps. 12 reps (regular controlled speed)


Straight Arm  Chest Fly (L) Face away from wall/door/mirror at a slight angle (the deeper the angle the harder the exercise, use your ability, adjust as you go), grip handles together in front of chest, palms inward, arms straight, (stay straight throughout). Descend your body down toward the floor keeping your arms and body straight from your neck to ankles, when you have reached your finish position (Iron Cross) without your arms bending (no further) push back up to the starting position. Muscles worked, chest, triceps, core, shoulders. 12 reps


Suspended Side Pull (S) {Wrap handles so only one is available to use} Position your body side ways. Grab handle with one (R) hand. Keep (R) arm straight throughout. Support your body off one (R) foot angling body slightly toward floor and at your ability level. Adjust if necessary. Left foot will hang behind (R) leg throughout. Lower (L) hip down toward floor to fully stretched position. Pull yourself back up to the start position with your (R) hip/oblique keeping (R) arm straight. Repeat x 12 regular controlled speed reps each side. 


Atomic Push Up/Knees to Chest Add One’s (1’s) (L) Assume a pushup position (face down) with you feet suspended in the TRX stirrups with your head away from the wall/mirror/door.

Keep arms straight wide hand spacing (if this bothers your wrist/hand, you may support your body on your forearms.

Perform  (1) push up then (1) knee (both knees) to chest.

Perform (2) push ups then (2) knee (both knees) to chest

6 reps


Straight Arm Front Plank x 1 minute hold


TRX Rotations 

Wrap both handles together to form (1) hand grip. Make sure handles are wedged together. Hold Kettlebell in the rack position, on the upper right chest. Start at a slight angle facing wall. Hold handle with left hand keeping left arm straight throughout. Keep feet shoulder width apart. Lower/drape your body to the right, bending from the waist up. Pull yourself back up to the starting position. 15 reps each side


TRX Windmill

Face away from the wall holding both handles with arms parallel to floor.Make sure both straps are fully extended without any slack. Keep chest upright and forward. You should feel a slight stretch across the chest. Bring R. leg forward and L. leg behind you. Rotate both arms and from the waist up your body/hips to the right. Keep both arms 180 degrees apart. Switch leg position.

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